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Calorimetric low temperature detectors for heavy ion physics and their application in nuclear and atomic physics
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics ( IF 14.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ppnp.2023.104031
Peter Egelhof , Saskia Kraft-Bermuth

The concept of a relatively new type of energy sensitive detectors, namely calorimetric low temperature detectors, which measure the temperature rise of an absorber due to the impact of an energetic particle or photon, is displayed, and its basic properties and its advantage over conventional detector schemes is discussed. Due to the low operating temperature, the impact of a microscopic particle or photon affects the properties of a macroscopic piece of matter (absorber) and therefore allows to measure the incident energy with high sensitivity and with high resolution. The present article will focus on the application of such detectors in the field of heavy ion physics, and it will be demonstrated that this type of detector bears a large potential as a powerful tool for many fields of nuclear and atomic heavy ion physics. The design and construction of calorimetric low temperature detectors for the detection of heavy ions in the energy range of 0.05360MeV/u, operated at temperatures around 12K, and of hard x-rays in the energy range of 50100keV, operated at temperatures of 50100mK, is displayed and examples of the performance are presented. The excellent energy resolution of the order of ΔE/E=15×103 for various ion species, ranging from 4He to 238U, and the linearity of the energy response without any indication of pulse height defects, and the obtained mass resolution down to Δm=1.3amu for heaviest ions like 238U, which represent a considerable improvement as compared to conventional heavy ion detectors based on ionization, have already allowed for various first applications in nuclear heavy ion physics. As prominent examples, the precise determination of isotopic yield distributions of fission fragments from thermal neutron induced fission of 238U and 239,241Pu, the precise determination of electronic stopping powers of various ions in various absorbers down to energies far below the Bragg peak, and the trace analysis of rare isotopes in accelerator mass spectroscopy, will be discussed. Future perspectives for further applications for high resolution nuclear spectroscopy, and the direct in-flight mass identification of heavy ions for the identification of superheavy elements and of reaction products from reactions with radioactive beams in inverse kinematics, and others, are also displayed. Concerning the field of atomic physics, where energy resolutions down to ΔE=22eV for 60 keV x-rays have been obtained, the application of calorimetric low temperature detectors for Lamb shift measurements on hydrogen-like heavy ions, and various other applications, will be discussed.



展示了一种相对新型的能量敏感探测器的概念,即量热低温探测器,它测量由于高能粒子或光子的影响而引起的吸收体的温升,及其基本特性和相对于传统探测器的优势方案进行了讨论。由于工作温度低,微观粒子或光子的影响会影响宏观物质(吸收体)的特性,因此可以以高灵敏度和高分辨率测量入射能量。本文将着重介绍此类探测器在重离子物理领域的应用,并论证此类探测器作为核物理和原子重离子物理众多领域的强大工具具有巨大的潜力。0.05360兆伏/铀,在大约温度下运行1个2个, 以及能量范围内的硬 X 射线50100千伏,在以下温度下运行50100mK, 显示并展示了性能示例。出色的能量分辨率/=1个5个×1个03个对于各种离子种类,范围从4个238ü,并且能量响应的线性度没有任何脉冲高度缺陷的迹象,并且获得的质量分辨率低至=1个.3个阿木对于最重的离子,如238ü,与传统的基于电离的重离子探测器相比,这是一个相当大的改进,已经允许在核重离子物理学中进行各种首次应用。作为突出的例子,精确测定热中子诱发裂变产生的裂变碎片的同位素产额分布238ü239,241,将讨论各种吸收剂中各种离子的电子阻止本领的精确测定,能量低至远低于布拉格峰的能量,以及加速器质谱中稀有同位素的痕量分析。还展示了高分辨率核光谱的进一步应用的未来前景,以及用于识别超重元素的重离子的直接飞行质量识别以及逆运动学中与放射性束反应的反应产物等。关于原子物理领域,能量分辨率低至=22电子伏特对于已经获得的 60 keV x 射线,将讨论量热低温探测器在类氢重离子 Lamb 位移测量中的应用,以及各种其他应用。
