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A Mixed-Methods Study Exploring the Educational Experiences of Foster Youth and Foster Parents During COVID-19
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s10560-023-00922-3
Hyunji Lee 1 , Mary E Rauktis 2 , Morgan Mulzet 3 , Aimee Sgourakis Jenkins 4

The COVID-19 pandemic and measures taken to decrease the spread impacted youth in foster care and foster parents in a myriad of ways. One critical yet unexplored area is how educational changes during the first 2 years of the pandemic impacted this specific group of youth in foster care and foster parents. This exploratory study used three methods: (1) A scoping review of the prior research on pandemics/climate events and school closures and the research from early 2020; (2) individual interviews and focus groups with foster parents and teachers; and (3) an online survey of 88 foster parents. We endeavored to include findings at each stage of the process. Research from prior epidemics and school closures and predictive models predicted learning losses which were verified by the findings in the survey and interviews. Foster parents reported that the youth in foster care had great difficulty concentrating with on-line delivery and the absence or greatly limited access to mental health services compounded the challenges. Even as children returned to classrooms, the behavior of children, youth resulted in suspensions and expulsions likely increasing learning losses. The discussion identifies some approaches to addressing COVID-19 learning gaps and the mental health needs of this vulnerable group of children and youth.


一项混合方法研究,探索 COVID-19 期间寄养青少年和寄养父母的教育经历

COVID-19 大流行以及为减少传播而采取的措施以多种方式影响了寄养青少年和寄养父母。一个关键但尚未探索的领域是大流行头两年的教育变化如何影响寄养和寄养父母中的这一特定青年群体。这项探索性研究使用了三种方法:(1)对先前有关流行病/气候事件和学校停课的研究以及 2020 年初的研究进行范围界定审查; (2) 与养父母和老师的个人访谈和焦点小组; (3) 对 88 名养父母进行在线调查。我们努力将流程每个阶段的发现纳入其中。根据之前的流行病和学校停课以及预测模型进行的研究预测了学习损失,调查和访谈的结果证实了这一点。寄养父母报告说,寄养青少年很难集中精力在线提供服务,而心理健康服务的缺乏或获取机会极其有限,加剧了这一挑战。即使孩子们回到教室,儿童、青少年的行为也会导致停学和开除,这可能会增加学习损失。讨论确定了一些解决 COVID-19 学习差距以及这一弱势儿童和青少年群体的心理健康需求的方法。
