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Racial bias in jury selection hurts mock jurors, not just defendants: Testing one potential intervention.
Law and Human Behavior ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-01 , DOI: 10.1037/lhb0000494
Kate Abramowitz 1 , Amy Bradfield Douglass 1

OBJECTIVES Prosecutors often use race as a basis for excluding Black jurors in cases with Black defendants. The current research tested whether this practice influences juror attitudes (Study 1). It also tested an intervention to prevent racially biased jury selection (Study 2). HYPOTHESES We predicted that participants exposed to the exclusion of Black prospective jurors would have more negative feelings compared with those who were not exposed to such exclusions (Study 1). We also predicted that participants taking on the role of a prosecutor would be more likely to exclude a Black (vs. White) prospective juror in a case with a Black defendant and that warnings against race-based decisions would result in elaborate race-neutral rationales for the exclusions (Study 2). METHOD In Study 1 (N = 228), participants witnessed a simulated jury selection process. For half of the participants, Black jurors were differentially excluded. In Study 2 (N = 298), participants selected between a Black and a White prospective juror for a case with a Black defendant. RESULTS Exposure to race-based exclusions negatively impacted perceptions of fairness and emotional responses, especially for Black participants (Study 1). Participants were more likely to exclude a Black juror (vs. White juror) but gave race-neutral rationales for their decisions. The effect of race on juror selection was eliminated when participants were warned against using race as a basis for excluding jurors (Study 2). CONCLUSIONS Race-motivated exclusions affect not only Black defendants, by depriving them of their right to a jury of their peers, but also the jurors who remain to deliberate. A warning could be a viable intervention for curbing the influence of race on prosecutorial decisions during jury selection. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).



目标 在涉及黑人被告的案件中,检察官经常使用种族作为排除黑人陪审员的依据。目前的研究测试了这种做法是否会影响陪审员的态度(研究 1)。它还测试了防止种族偏见的陪审团选择的干预措施(研究 2)。假设 我们预测,与未被排除在外的参与者相比,被排除在外的黑人准陪审员的参与者会有更多的负面情绪(研究 1)。我们还预测,扮演检察官角色的参与者更有可能在涉及黑人被告的案件中排除黑人(与白人)未来的陪审员,并且针对基于种族的决定的警告将导致详尽的种族中立理由对于排除项(研究 2)。方法 在研究 1 (N = 228) 中,与会者目睹了模拟的陪审团遴选过程。对于一半的参与者,黑人陪审员被不同程度地排除在外。在研究 2(N = 298)中,参与者在一名黑人被告的案件中选择一名黑人和一名白人准陪审员。结果 暴露于基于种族的排斥会对公平感和情绪反应产生负面影响,尤其是对于黑人参与者(研究 1)。参与者更有可能将黑人陪审员排除在外(相对于白人陪审员),但他们的决定给出了种族中立的理由。当参与者被警告不要使用种族作为排除陪审员的基础时,种族对陪审员选择的影响被消除(研究 2)。结论 出于种族动机的排斥不仅影响黑人被告,因为他们剥夺了他们接受同龄人陪审团的权利,还要陪审员继续审议。警告可能是一种可行的干预措施,可以在陪审团选择过程中遏制种族对检察官决定的影响。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2023 APA,保留所有权利)。