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Racial justice in psycholegal research and forensic psychology practice: Current advances and a framework for future progress.
Law and Human Behavior ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-01 , DOI: 10.1037/lhb0000526
Jennifer S Hunt 1 , Stephane M Shepherd 2

Police killings of Black civilians have brought unprecedented attention to racial and ethnic discrimination in the criminal justice and legal systems. However, these topics have been underexamined in the field of law-psychology, both in research and forensic-clinical practice. We discuss how a racial justice framework can provide guidance for advancing psycholegal research and forensic-clinical practice related to race, ethnicity, culture, and their intersections. A racial justice framework centers the goal of increasing fair and responsive treatment and just outcomes for the most vulnerable populations involved with the criminal justice, legal, and carceral systems and ending existing disparities. We argue that the framework should include the use of transparent nonobjectivity, in which racial justice is an explicit and acknowledged goal of research and practice that exists alongside a commitment to open and rigorous science and evidence-based practice. We then use the racial justice framework as a backdrop for discussing the articles and broader themes that appear in the special issue, which include racial biases in policing, public views of the police and use of force, expanding research on racial bias in lay judgments, understanding disparities in sentencing and corrections, and improving forensic practice. Finally, we look to the future, discussing practices and perspectives that can facilitate a racial justice approach in psycholegal research and forensic-clinical practice. Our recommendations include engaging in reflexivity and addressing positionality; expanding research questions and methods, especially qualitative and community-based participatory action research; centering and engaging with communities of color; greater emphasis on intersectionality; shifting toward structural and adaptive interventions; and greater integration of work from other fields. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).



警察杀害黑人平民使刑事司法和法律系统中的种族和族裔歧视受到前所未有的关注。然而,这些主题在法律心理学领域,无论是在研究还是在法医临床实践中,都没有得到充分的检验。我们讨论种族正义框架如何为推进与种族、民族、文化及其交叉点相关的心理法律研究和法医临床实践提供指导。种族正义框架的核心目标是为涉及刑事司法、法律和监狱系统的最弱势群体增加公平和反应迅速的待遇和公正的结果,并结束现有的差距。我们认为该框架应包括使用透明的非客观性,其中种族正义是研究和实践的一个明确和公认的目标,与对开放和严格的科学和循证实践的承诺并存。然后,我们以种族正义框架为背景,讨论特刊中出现的文章和更广泛的主题,包括警务中的种族偏见、公众对警察和使用武力的看法、扩大对非专业判断中种族偏见的研究、了解量刑和惩戒方面的差异,并改进法医实践。最后,我们展望未来,讨论可以促进在心理法律研究和法医临床实践中采用种族正义方法的做法和观点。我们的建议包括参与反身性和解决定位问题;扩大研究问题和方法,特别是定性和基于社区的参与性行动研究;以有色人种社区为中心并与之互动;更加强调交叉性;转向结构性和适应性干预;以及更多地整合其他领域的工作。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2023 APA,保留所有权利)。