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Ultra-low-current driven InGaN blue micro light-emitting diodes for electrically efficient and self-heating relaxed microdisplay
Nature Communications ( IF 14.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-17 , DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-36773-w
Woo Jin Baek 1 , Juhyuk Park 1 , Joonsup Shim 1 , Bong Ho Kim 1 , Seongchong Park 2 , Hyun Soo Kim 1 , Dae-Myeong Geum 3, 4 , Sang Hyeon Kim 1, 3

InGaN-based micro-light-emitting diodes have a strong potential as a crucial building block for next-generation displays. However, small-size pixels suffer from efficiency degradations, which increase the power consumption of the display. We demonstrate strategies for epitaxial structure engineering carefully considering the quantum barrier layer and electron blocking layer to alleviate efficiency degradations in low current injection regime by reducing the lateral diffusion of injected carriers via reducing the tunneling rate of electrons through the barrier layer and balanced carrier injection. As a result, the fabricated micro-light-emitting diodes show a high external quantum efficiency of 3.00% at 0.1 A/cm2 for the pixel size of 10 × 10 μm2 and a negligible Jmax EQE shift during size reduction, which is challenging due to the non-radiative recombination at the sidewall. Furthermore, we verify that our epitaxy strategies can result in the relaxation of self-heating of the micro-light-emitting diodes, where the average pixel temperature was effectively reduced.


超低电流驱动的 InGaN 蓝色微型发光二极管,用于高效自热微显示器

基于 InGaN 的微型发光二极管具有作为下一代显示器的重要组成部分的强大潜力。然而,小尺寸像素的效率会下降,从而增加显示器的功耗。我们展示了外延结构工程的策略,仔细考虑量子势垒层和电子阻挡层,通过降低电子穿过势垒层的隧穿速率和平衡载流子注入来减少注入载流子的横向扩散,从而减轻低电流注入状态下的效率下降。结果,对于10 × 10 μm 2的像素尺寸和可忽略的J尺寸减小期间的最大 EQE偏移,由于侧壁处的非辐射复合,这具有挑战性。此外,我们验证了我们的外延策略可以缓解微型发光二极管的自热,从而有效降低平均像素温度。
