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Cultural Distance and Conflict-Related Sexual Violence
The Quarterly Journal of Economics ( IF 11.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-18 , DOI: 10.1093/qje/qjad015
Eleonora Guarnieri 1 , Ana Tur-Prats 2

This paper examines the relationship between ethnic-based gender norms and conflict-related sexual violence. We generate a novel dyadic dataset that contains information on the ethnic identity of all the actors involved in ethnic civil conflicts around the world between 1989 and 2019 and their use of sexual violence. We exploit ethnographic information to construct a new male dominance index at the ethnicity level that captures deep-rooted gender norms. First, we find that male-dominant armed actors are more likely to be perpetrators of sexual violence. Second, we consider the cultural distance in gender norms between the combatants, and show that sexual violence is driven by a specific clash of conceptions on the appropriate role of men and women in society: sexual violence increases when the perpetrator is more male dominant than the victim. Additional analyses suggest that gender norms influence both the strategic use of sexual violence for military purposes and the expressive use of sexual violence for private motivations. These patterns are specific to sexual violence and do not explain general violence within a conflict. Differences in other cultural dimensions unrelated to gender are not associated with conflict-related sexual violence.



本文探讨了基于种族的性别规范与冲突相关性暴力之间的关系。我们生成了一个新颖的二元数据集,其中包含有关 1989 年至 2019 年世界各地种族内部冲突中所有参与者的种族身份及其使用性暴力的信息。我们利用民族志信息在种族层面构建一个新的男性主导指数,捕捉根深蒂固的性别规范。首先,我们发现男性主导的武装行为者更有可能成为性暴力的实施者。其次,我们考虑了战斗人员之间性别规范的文化差异,并表明性暴力是由关于男性和女性在社会中的适当角色的特定观念冲突驱动的:当施暴者比男性更占主导地位时,性暴力就会增加。受害者。其他分析表明,性别规范既影响出于军事目的战略性地使用性暴力,也影响出于私人动机的性暴力的表达性使用。这些模式特定于性暴力,并不能解释冲突中的一般暴力。与性别无关的其他文化层面的差异与与冲突有关的性暴力无关。