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Combined effect of sonication and equilibrium-modified atmosphere packaging to improve storage stability of “Angelino” plums during extended storage
Journal of Food Process Engineering ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-17 , DOI: 10.1111/jfpe.14328
Cengiz Caner 1 , Nesrin Yumak Alnıak 1 , Muhammed Yüceer 2

This work focuses on the combined effects of ultrasound treatment (100, 200, and 300 W for 5 min) and equilibrium-modified atmosphere packaging (EMAP) to enhance the storage stability based on pH, aw, gas compositions in headspace, color changes (L*, a*, b*), organic acids, and texture profile of fresh “Angelino” plums for 120 days at 4°C. The results were expressed that pH values were increased (3.19-initial to 3.69/300 W–3.86/control) and Brix values were decreased (16.9-initial to 14.70/control–15.3/100 W) during storage. At the end of the storage, except the control group, O2 in the headspace decreased from 20.9%-initial to 16%/300 W–18.5%/200 W and CO2 was accumulated from 0.03%-initial to 4.9/%200 W–6.5%/300 W. Hardness (from 11,677, 6124 gf), gumminess (from 4344 g to 4335–6715 g), and chewiness (from 3831 and 2326–2638 g) consistently decreased as a function of storage. The hardness of “Angelino” plums had been maintained after the sonication combined with EMAP compared with the control during storage. The 100 W and 200 W sonication could significantly delay the degradation of malic (from 8957 to 4227–4236 mg/L) and tartaric (1796 to 1703–1722 mg/L) acid in flesh plums, but not citric acid and malonic acid over the storage period. The sonication (200 W) combined with EMAP enhanced the storage stability.



这项工作重点研究超声波处理(100、200 和 300 W,持续 5 分钟)和平衡气调包装 (EMAP) 的综合效果,以根据 pH、aw、顶部空间的气体成分、颜色变化( L*、a*、b*)、有机酸和新鲜“Angelino”李子在 4°C 下保存 120 天的质地特征。结果表明,储存期间 pH 值增加(3.19-初始至 3.69/300 W–3.86/对照),Brix 值降低(16.9-初始至 14.70/对照–15.3/100 W)。储存结束时,除对照组外,顶部空间中的 O 2从初始的 20.9% 降至 16%/300 W–18.5%/200 W 和 CO 2从 0.03% 初始累积到 4.9/%200 W–6.5%/300 W。硬度(从 11,677、6124 gf)、粘性(从 4344 g 到 4335–6715 g)和咀嚼度(从 3831 和 2326–2638) g) 随着储存量的增加而持续减少。与对照相比,超声处理结合EMAP后“Angelino”李子的硬度在储存过程中保持不变。100 W和200 W超声处理可以显着延迟李子中苹果酸(从8957到4227–4236 mg/L)和酒石酸(1796到1703–1722 mg/L)的降解,但对柠檬酸和丙二酸的降解没有影响。储存期限。超声处理 (200 W) 与 EMAP 相结合增强了储存稳定性。