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Mindfulness-based interventions for adult survivors of sexual assault: a scoping review
Journal of Sexual Aggression ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-16 , DOI: 10.1080/13552600.2023.2187471
Donna Scott Tilley 1 , Cara C. Young 2 , Misty Richmond 1 , John Humphrey 1


A scoping review of literature was conducted to identify and map the breadth of evidence on mindfulness-based interventions (MBI) as a supportive intervention for adult survivors of sexual assault. Out of an initial 37 articles retrieved, five met criteria for review. Three studies used descriptive pre–post design and two used experimental design. Four studies utilised integrated MBI (combined with yoga, art, or aerobic activity). All five reported positive outcomes to varying degrees. The findings of this scoping review suggest that MBIs are a promising intervention for adult survivors of sexual assault, however, more rigorous trials are needed to further enhance the currently limited evidence in this area.

Practice impact statement

The findings of this scoping review indicate that MBIs are a potentially promising intervention to improve mental health outcomes for adult survivors of sexual assault. Findings also point to the need for rigorous trials to substantially increase effective treatment for victims of sexual assault.




对文献进行了范围界定审查,以确定和绘制关于正念干预 (MBI) 作为对成年性侵犯幸存者的支持性干预的证据的广度。在最初检索到的 37 篇文章中,有 5 篇符合审查标准。三项研究使用描述性前后设计,两项研究使用实验设计。四项研究使用综合 MBI(结合瑜伽、艺术或有氧运动)。所有五个都报告了不同程度的积极结果。该范围界定审查的结果表明,MBI 是对成年性侵犯幸存者的一种有前途的干预措施,但是,需要更严格的试验来进一步加强该领域目前有限的证据。


该范围界定审查的结果表明,MBI 是一种潜在的有前途的干预措施,可以改善成年性侵犯幸存者的心理健康结果。调查结果还表明需要进行严格的试验,以大幅提高对性侵犯受害者的有效治疗。
