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“I love this photo, I can feel their hearts!” How users across the world evaluate social media portraiture
Journal of Communication ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-15 , DOI: 10.1093/joc/jqad009
Tommaso Trillò 1 , Blake Hallinan 2 , Avishai Green 2 , Bumsoo Kim 3 , Saki Mizoroki 1, 4 , Rebecca Scharlach 1 , Pyung Hwa Park 5 , Paul Frosh 1 , Limor Shifman 1

Portraits on social media are value-laden constructs. Whether documenting graduation or flexing in the gym, users express what they care about and present it for others to evaluate. Since “global” portrait genres are produced and consumed in different locales, their interpretation and evaluation may vary. We thus ask: What values do people identify in different types of social media portraits? Which evaluative criteria do they use when judging them? An analysis of 100 interviews with users from Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, and the United States reveals that people consistently recognize genre-specific values in portraits and evaluate them through a narrow set of communication-related criteria. Such evaluations vary across cultures in ways that only occasionally match established comparative literature on values. We reflect on the relational character of the criteria adopted for the evaluation of portraits worldwide, highlighting its association with new modes of sociability in digital spheres.


“我喜欢这张照片,我能感受到他们的心!” 世界各地的用户如何评价社交媒体肖像

社交媒体上的肖像是承载价值的结构。无论是记录毕业还是在健身房锻炼身体,用户都可以表达他们关心的内容并将其呈现给其他人进行评估。由于“全球”肖像类型在不同的地方生产和消费,因此它们的解释和评估可能会有所不同。因此,我们要问:人们在不同类型的社交媒体肖像中认同什么价值观?他们在评判他们时使用了哪些评价标准?对来自德国、意大利、日本、韩国和美国的用户进行的 100 次采访分析表明,人们始终认可肖像中的特定流派价值,并通过一套狭隘的与交流相关的标准来评估它们。这种评估因文化而异,只是偶尔与既定的价值观比较文献相匹配。