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Deictic this and speaker containment
English Language & Linguistics ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-15 , DOI: 10.1017/s1360674323000011

This article examines a hitherto unnoticed set of deictic uses of the English proximal demonstrative this, namely those where the speaker is contained in the referent of the demonstrative NP. The usual case, where the speaker is not contained in the referent, has been extensively studied and the choice between proximal and distal has been argued to be based on a combination of physical (proximity of the referent to the speaker) and psychological/subjective factors. The present article focuses on those cases where the speaker is contained in the referent, arguing that this leads to a categorical choice in deictic uses, with only proximal this being possible. The article further shows that there are four relevant types of containment. First, spatial containment, where the speaker is physically located in the referent (e.g. this room); second, situational containment, where the referent is an event or state and the speaker is a participant in it (e.g. this conversation); third, set containment, where the referent is a group of people of which the speaker is a member (e.g. in this family); and fourth, temporal containment, where the speaker (or more precisely the time of utterance) is contained in the referent (e.g. this week).


指示 this 和说话人遏制

本文研究了一组迄今为止未被注意的英语近端指示词this的指示用法,即说话人包含在指示词 NP 的所指对象中的那些用法。通常情况下,说话者不包含在所指对象中,已被广泛研究,近端和远端之间的选择被认为是基于物理(所指对象与说话者的接近度)和心理/主观因素的结合. 本文重点关注说话者包含在所指对象中的情况,认为这会导致指示性用法中的绝对选择,只有最接近这个成为可能。文章进一步表明,有四种相关的遏制类型。首先,空间包容,说话者在物理上位于所指的地方(例如这个房间);第二,情境遏制,指称是一个事件或状态,说话者是其中的参与者(例如这个对话);第三,集合遏制,其中指称是说话者所属的一群人(例如在这个家庭中);第四,时间包含,其中说话者(或更准确地说是说话的时间)包含在所指对象中(例如本周)。
