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Continuity and change: wartime housing politics in Ukraine
International Journal of Housing Policy ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-05 , DOI: 10.1080/19491247.2022.2153983
Galyna Sukhomud 1, 2 , Vita Shnaider 2, 3


The article analyses the war-imbued housing crisis in Ukraine and emergency response to it in the first four months of the full scale Russian invasion as embedded in the wider context of Ukrainian housing politics. As in other countries of Central and Eastern Europe after 1989/91, the Ukrainian housing sphere has been shaped by mass giveaway privatisation, which created a super homeownership regime that is characterised by high expectations towards the state in the support of homeownership. Despite the mass destruction of the war and scale of the displacement, housing politics continues to be shaped by institutional inertia and attempts to resolve the current housing crisis with existing instruments and the support of homeownership. Such an ad-hoc policy approach leaves displaced households without coherent assistance in finding shelter. Only rather sporadic and insufficient options provided by communities at local level and international aid organisations are available. However, while lacking institutional and policy adjustment in the first months of war, the Ukrainian housing sector is changing. Growing importance of renting in the tenure structure and the pressing need to shelter those who lost access to homeownership as a result of war call for the development of a new, more comprehensive, housing strategy.




本文分析了乌克兰因战争引发的住房危机,以及俄罗斯全面入侵前四个月的紧急应对措施,并将其纳入乌克兰住房政治的更广泛背景中。与 1989/1991 年之后的其他中欧和东欧国家一样,乌克兰的住房领域也受到了大规模赠品私有化的影响,这创造了一个超级住房所有权制度,其特点是对国家支持住房所有权抱有很高的期望。尽管战争造成大规模破坏和流离失所规模很大,但住房政治仍然受到制度惯性的影响,并试图利用现有工具和住房所有权的支持来解决当前的住房危机。这种临时政策方法使流离失所家庭在寻找住所时得不到一致的援助。地方社区和国际援助组织提供的选择相当零星且不足。然而,尽管在战争的头几个月里缺乏制度和政策调整,乌克兰的住房部门正在发生变化。租赁在保有权结构中的重要性日益增加,以及为那些因战争而失去住房所有权的人提供庇护的迫切需要,需要制定新的、更全面的住房战略。
