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Nuclear structures from average quark positions
ChemRxiv Pub Date : 2023-03-13 , DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-3fwrk
Ray Walsh

While exact quark positions are indiscernible per the uncertainty principle, the hypothesis that quarks occupy average positions leads to a variety of accurate predictions. These include a near-perfect correlation between predicted and ac-cepted charge radii of stable nuclides through 36Ar. Proposed average quark model (AQM) radius predictions compare favorably to Green's function Monte Carlo methods, but with fewer and simpler assumptions. Per the model, alternating up- and down-quarks occupy average positions within linear and polygonal geometries, and the distance between se-quential quarks derives from the radius of the proton. Best-fit solutions form anisotropic cylindrical lattices of stacked 6-nucleon (18-quark) rings. Evolving structures contain unique sub-structures that recur periodically every 12 nucleons, as presented within a periodic table of nuclear structure. Nuclide structural periodicity has led to the discovery of 12-nuclide periodicity in nuclear magnetic moments, and a second trend in single-nucleon nucleosynthesis. The 12-nuclide periodicity of each is superior when analyzed against hypothetical 6,8,10,14, and 16-nuclide periodicities. Proposed quark structures are consistent with theoretical prolate hadron shapes, and the low central quark density of open ring and cylindrical structures is consistent with electron scattering experiments demonstrating central depressions or dips in the nuclide charge densities. A novel criterion of nuclear stability is demonstrated: Nuclides containing contiguous al-ternating quark sequences tend to be stable, and tend to produce alternating nucleon sequences that contain equal num-bers of protons and neutrons. Nuclides having disrupted quark sequences tend to be unstable, and tend to have unstable ratios of protons to neutrons. Model-consistent structures of 5He, 8Be, 18F, and 30P illuminate why they are unstable. The list of stable nuclides through 36Ar evolves one nucleon at a time. The AQM nuclide structure acts as a substrate that ste-rically selects whether a proton or neutron will be the next added nucleon, analogous to base pair selection in DNA repli-cation. This method correctly predicts the most abundant isotope of every stable nuclide through 36Ar, missing the mark only with four trace isotopes. The proposed model of nucleosynthesis resembles important facets of the linear step-growth polymerization (SGP) mechanism. Relevance to the European Muon Collaboration effect is discussed.



虽然根据不确定性原理无法区分精确的夸克位置,但夸克占据平均位置的假设导致了各种准确的预测。这些包括通过 36 Ar 的稳定核素的预测和接受的电荷半径之间近乎完美的相关性。拟议的平均夸克模型 (AQM) 半径预测与格林函数蒙特卡洛方法相比具有优势,但假设更少且更简单。根据模型,交替的上夸克和下夸克占据线性和多边形几何结构中的平均位置,连续夸克之间的距离来自质子的半径。最佳拟合解形成堆叠的 6 核子(18 夸克)环的各向异性圆柱晶格。进化结构包含独特的子结构,每 12 个核子周期性地出现一次,如核结构周期表中所示。核素结构周期性导致发现核磁矩中的 12 个核素周期性,以及单核子核合成的第二个趋势。当针对假设的 6、8、10、14 和 16 核素周期性进行分析时,每个的 12 核素周期性是优越的。拟议的夸克结构与理论上的扁长强子形状一致,开环和圆柱结构的低中心夸克密度与电子散射实验证明核素电荷密度的中心凹陷或下降一致。证明了核稳定性的新标准:包含连续交替夸克序列的核素往往是稳定的,并倾向于产生包含相等数量的质子和中子的交替核子序列。夸克序列被破坏的核素往往不稳定,并且质子与中子的比率往往不稳定。5He、8Be、18F 和 30P 的模型一致结构阐明了它们不稳定的原因。通过 36Ar 的稳定核素列表一次演化出一个核子。AQM 核素结构充当底物,空间选择质子或中子是否将成为下一个添加的核子,类似于 DNA 复制中的碱基对选择。该方法通过 36Ar 正确预测了每个稳定核素的丰度同位素,仅漏掉了四个痕量同位素。所提出的核合成模型类似于线性逐步增长聚合 (SGP) 机制的重要方面。