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A Methodological Checklist for Studies of Pleasure and Enjoyment Responses to High-Intensity Interval Training: Part I. Participants and Measures
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-01 , DOI: 10.1123/jsep.2022-0027
Panteleimon Ekkekakis 1 , Mark E Hartman 2 , Matthew A Ladwig 3

For decades, the exercise psychology research literature echoed the conclusion that exercise makes most people feel better, with no clear evidence that this “feel-better effect” is moderated by intensity. An overhaul of the methodological approach subsequently showed that high-intensity exercise is experienced as unpleasant, and the “feel-better effect,” although possible, is conditional and therefore not as robust or prevalent as initially thought. Recently, several studies investigating high-intensity interval training (HIIT) have concluded that HIIT is pleasant and enjoyable, despite the high intensity. Considering that HIIT is emerging as an option in physical activity recommendations and exercise prescription guidelines, in part due to these claims, a methodological checklist is presented to aid researchers, peer reviewers, editors, and other readers in critically appraising studies examining the effects of HIIT on affect and enjoyment. This first part addresses the characteristics and number of participants, as well as the selection of measures of affect and enjoyment.



几十年来,运动心理学研究文献都重复了运动使大多数人感觉更好的结论,但没有明确的证据表明这种“感觉更好的效果”会因强度而有所缓和。随后对方法论方法的彻底改革表明,高强度运动让人感到不愉快,而“感觉更好的效果”虽然可能,但有条件,因此并不像最初想象的那样强大或普遍。最近,一些调查高强度间歇训练 (HIIT) 的研究得出结论,尽管 HIIT 强度很高,但它还是令人愉快和愉快的。考虑到 HIIT 正在成为身体活动建议和运动处方指南中的一个选项,部分原因是这些说法,我们提供了一份方法清单以帮助研究人员、同行评审员、编辑、和其他读者批判性地评价研究 HIIT 对情感和享受的影响。第一部分介绍参与者的特征和数量,以及影响和享受措施的选择。
