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Revealing the promising near-room-temperature thermoelectric performance in Ag2Se single crystals
Journal of Materiomics ( IF 8.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jmat.2023.02.003
Siqi Lin , Linlin Guo , Xianghu Wang , Yue Liu , Yuying Wu , Rongbin Li , Hezhu Shao , Min Jin

With high carrier mobility and intrinsic low lattice thermal conductivity, Ag2Se compounds have attracted increasing attention for thermoelectric application near room temperature. Due to its phase transition at ∼406 K and resulting thermal volume expansion, the growth and thermoelectric properties of large-sized Ag2Se single crystals have seldom been reported so far. In this work, the vertical Bridgeman method was used for growing bulk Ag2Se single crystal, with an orientation preference along low-symmetric (201) plane. The Hall mobility as high as 2 000 cm2/(V·s) and weak electron-phonon coupling contributes to a high electronic quality BE of ∼7.0 in near-room-temperature β-Ag2Se single crystals, which is superior to the high-temperature phase α-Ag2Se. The observed low lattice thermal conductivity of 0.8 W/(m·K) at 300 K is due to the low group speeds and strong anharmonicity. A promising peak zT of 0.66 at 375 K and an average zT of 0.65 at 300–375 K were realized in β-Ag2Se crystals. The low Vickers hardness and good ductile properties were confirmed by experiment and theoretical analysis. This work not only synthesized large-sized and highly-orientated Ag2Se crystals, but also revealed its great potential of thermoelectric performance and mechanical properties for various applications near room temperature.


揭示 Ag2Se 单晶有前景的近室温热电性能

凭借高载流子迁移率和固有的低晶格热导率,Ag 2 Se化合物在室温附近的热电应用中引起了越来越多的关注。由于其在~406 K的相变以及由此产生的热体积膨胀,大尺寸Ag 2 Se单晶的生长和热电性能迄今为止鲜有报道。在这项工作中,垂直布里奇曼方法用于生长块状Ag 2 Se单晶,其取向优先沿低对称(201)面。高达 2 000 cm 2 /(V·s) 的霍尔迁移率和弱电子声子耦合有助于在近室温β下实现约 7.0 的高电子质量B E-Ag 2 Se单晶,其性能优于高温相α -Ag 2 Se。在 300 K 时观察到的低晶格热导率为 0.8 W/(m·K),这是由于低群速度和强非谐性所致。在β -Ag 2 Se 晶体中实现了375 K 处 0.66 的峰值zT和 300-375 K 处 0.65 的平均zT 。通过实验和理论分析证实了其低维氏硬度和良好的延展性。该工作不仅合成了大尺寸、高取向的Ag 2Se晶体,还揭示了其在室温附近各种应用的热电性能和机械性能的巨大潜力。
