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Intergroup contact is reliably associated with reduced prejudice, even in the face of group threat and discrimination.
American Psychologist ( IF 12.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-09 , DOI: 10.1037/amp0001144
Jasper Van Assche 1 , Hermann Swart 2 , Katharina Schmid 3 , Kristof Dhont 4 , Ananthi Al Ramiah , Oliver Christ 5 , Mathias Kauff 6 , Sebastiaan Rothmann 7 , Michael Savelkoul 8 , Nicole Tausch 9 , Ralf Wölfer 10 , Sarah Zahreddine 11 , Muniba Saleem 12 , Miles Hewstone 13

Intergroup contact provides a reliable means of reducing prejudice. Yet, critics suggested that its efficacy is undermined, even eliminated, under certain conditions. Specifically, contact may be ineffective in the face of threat, especially to (historically) advantaged groups, and discrimination, experienced especially by (historically) disadvantaged groups. We considered perceived intergroup threat and perceived discrimination as potential moderators of the effect of contact on prejudice. Two meta-analyses of correlational data from 34 studies (totaling 63,945 respondents-drawn from 67 subsamples across 19 countries) showed that contact was associated with decreased prejudice and increased out-group positivity, in cross-sectional and longitudinal designs, among advantaged and disadvantaged group members, and in both Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic (WEIRD) and non-WEIRD contexts. Both perceived threat and perceived discrimination moderated the contact-attitude association, but in an unanticipated direction. Indeed, contact's beneficial effects were at least as strong among individuals high (r = .19) as among individuals low (r = .18) in perceived threat. Similarly, the effects of contact were at least as strong among those high (r = .23) as among those low (r = .20) in perceived discrimination. We conclude that contact is effective for promoting tolerant societies because it is effective even among subpopulations where achieving that goal might be most challenging. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).



群体间接触提供了减少偏见的可靠方法。然而,批评者认为,在某些情况下,其功效会受到削弱,甚至消除。具体而言,在面临威胁(尤其是针对(历史上)优势群体的威胁)和(尤其是(历史上)弱势群体所经历的歧视)时,接触可能是无效的。我们认为感知到的群体间威胁和感知到的歧视是接触对偏见影响的潜在调节因素。对 34 项研究(总共 63,945 名受访者,来自 19 个国家的 67 个子样本)的相关数据进行的两项荟萃分析表明,在横断面和纵向设计中,在优势和弱势群体中,接触与偏见减少和外群体积极性增加相关团体成员,以及西方、受过教育、工业化、富裕和民主(WEIRD)和非WEIRD环境中的成员。感知到的威胁和感知到的歧视都调节了接触态度关联,但方向是意想不到的。事实上,接触的有益影响在感知威胁程度较高的个体 (r = .19) 中至少与感知威胁程度较低的个体 (r = .18) 中一样强。同样,在感知歧视程度高的人 (r = .23) 中,接触的影响至少与低 (r = .20) 的人一样强。我们的结论是,接触对于促进宽容社会是有效的,因为即使在实现这一目标可能最具挑战性的亚人群中,接触也是有效的。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2023 APA,保留所有权利)。