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COVID Keynesianism: locating inequality in the Anglo-American crisis response
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-08 , DOI: 10.1093/cjres/rsad003
Johnna Montgomerie 1

COVID Keynesianism evaluates the USA and UK’s economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic and compares it to the previous iterations of the Anglo-American policy response template. The analysis details the morbid character of neoliberal state intervention by tracing the distributional routes of monetary and fiscal measures into global corporations and across the domestic economy. The comparative findings show the degree to which emergency economic relief measures, despite their size and early success, have amplified the fault lines of inequality. The argument is that monetary flows generated windfall wealth gains for the already wealthy, while fiscal flows provided temporary gains and provisions for those on low-incomes and in deprived regions. Neoliberal efforts to protect wealth-holdings are discussed with reference to the structural conditions that generate permanent crises.


COVID 凯恩斯主义:在英美危机应对中定位不平等

COVID 凯恩斯主义评估了美国和英国对 COVID-19 大流行的经济反应,并将其与英美政策反应模板的先前迭代进行了比较。该分析通过追踪货币和财政措施在全球公司和国内经济中的分配路线,详细说明了新自由主义国家干预的病态特征。比较结果表明,紧急经济救助措施尽管规模庞大且取得了初步成功,但在多大程度上扩大了不平等的断层线。其论点是,货币流动为已经富裕的人带来了意外财富收益,而财政流动为低收入和贫困地区的人们提供了暂时的收益和准备金。