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Crying Faces or Brain Scans?
Media History ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-08 , DOI: 10.1080/13688804.2023.2183825
Jerome Bourdon

This article explores the representation of the human body on television, and specifically on medical television, in the longue durée. It demonstrates that, from its inception, television embraced a new naturalist ontology, inaugurated in early modern Europe, whereby the human body shares with its surroundings the same physical nature but is endowed with a unique spiritual interiority. The article identifies the major contribution of television to this ontology as the emphasis on the speaking face. It contends that television revived two major debates about the representation of the body: the tension between dispassionate scientific physiological images and emotional expressivity, and the sincere character of observable emotions. In conclusion, the article reframes the history of medical television as a major shift of emphasis: from the physicality of the patient, subjected to the authority of the medical practitioner, to an increasingly medicalised visible, emotional interiority of the human self.



本文探讨了人体在电视上的表现,特别是在医疗电视上,在longue durée. 它表明,从一开始,电视就接受了一种新的自然主义本体论,这种本体论在近代早期的欧洲开创,据此,人体与其周围环境共享相同的物理性质,但被赋予了独特的精神内在性。文章将电视对这一本体论的主要贡献确定为对说话面孔的强调。它认为,电视重新引发了关于身体表现的两大争论:冷静的科学生理图像与情感表达之间的紧张关系,以及可观察到的情感的真诚特征。总之,这篇文章将医疗电视的历史重新定义为重点的重大转变:从受医生权威支配的患者身体,到越来越医疗化的可见性,
