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Coupling Ethane Dehydrogenation with Benzene Alkylation Over Bifunctional Pt Supported HZSM-5 Catalyst
Catalysis Letters ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s10562-023-04307-0
Yakun Zhang , Lin Xu , Wen Wang , Qing Wu , Yi Zhang

The efficient conversion of ethane has attracted more and more attention because of the shale gas revolution. The coupling of ethane dehydrogenation (EDH) and benzene alkylation over the 1.5Pt/HZSM-5 realize high activity close to the thermodynamic equilibrium of EDH at 500 ℃ and 0.9 bar ethane partial pressure. Meanwhile, the coupled reaction shows long-term stability during 22 h with a slightly decreased ethane conversion of 0.03% per hour and as high as 42% selectivity of ethylbenzene. Based on various characterization, including XRD, HR-TEM, NH3-TPD, Py-IR, TGA, it is confirmed that the coupling reaction could convert ethylene, formed by EDH over Pt sites, to ethylbenzene via benzene alkylation over Brönsted acidic sites (BAS) subsequently, and suppressing the sintering of Pt species and coke deposition induced by aromatization and deep dehydrogenation, resulting in high activity and long-time steady state.

Graphical Abstract


双功能 Pt 负载 HZSM-5 催化剂上乙烷脱氢与苯烷基化偶联

由于页岩气革命,乙烷的高效转化越来越受到关注。在 1.5Pt/HZSM-5 上偶联乙烷脱氢 (EDH) 和苯烷基化,在 500 ℃ 和 0.9 bar 乙烷分压下实现了接近 EDH 热力学平衡的高活性。同时,偶联反应在 22 小时内表现出长期稳定性,乙烷转化率每小时略有下降 0.03%,乙苯选择性高达 42%。基于各种表征,包括 XRD、HR-TEM、NH 3-TPD、Py-IR、TGA,证实偶联反应可以将EDH在Pt位点上形成的乙烯转化为乙苯,随后苯在Brönsted酸性位点(BAS)上烷基化,并抑制Pt物种和焦炭的烧结芳构化和深度脱氢引起的沉积,导致高活性和长时间稳态。

