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Electronic structure characterization of TiO2-II with the α-PbO2 structure by electron-energy-loss-spectroscopy and comparison with anatase, brookite, and rutile
Journal of Solid State Chemistry ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jssc.2023.123952
Alisa Gordeeva , Thomas Thersleff , Ying-Jui Hsu , Christian Liebske , Peter Ulmer , Ove Andersson , Ulrich Häussermann

TiO2-II is a high pressure form of titania with a density about 2% larger than that of rutile. In contrast to the common polymorphs anatase, brookite and rutile its electronic structure and optical properties are poorly characterized. Here we report on a comparative electron-energy-loss-spectroscopy (EELS) study for which high resolution valence-loss and core-loss EELS data were acquired from nanocrystalline (<75 ​nm sized) titania particles with an energy resolution of about 0.2 ​eV. Electronic structure features revealed from titanium L3,2 and oxygen K electron energy loss near-edge structures show a strong similarity of TiO2-II with both rutile and brookite, which is attributed to similarities in the connectivity of octahedral TiO6 units with neighboring ones. From combined valence-loss EELS and UV-VIS diffuse reflectance spectroscopy data the band gap of TiO2-II was determined to be indirect and with a magnitude of ∼3.18 ​eV, which is very similar to anatase (indirect, ∼3.2 ​eV), and distinctly different from rutile (direct, ∼3.05 ​eV) and brookite (direct, ∼3.45 ​eV).


通过电子能量损失光谱法表征具有 α-PbO2 结构的 TiO2-II 的电子结构,并与锐钛矿、板钛矿和金红石进行比较

TiO 2 -II 是一种高压形式的二氧化钛,密度比金红石大约2%。与常见的多晶型锐钛矿、板钛矿和金红石相比,其电子结构和光学特性的表征较差。在这里,我们报告了一项比较电子能量损失能谱 (EELS) 研究,该研究从能量分辨率约为 0.2 的纳米晶体(<75 纳米尺寸)二氧化钛颗粒中获取了高分辨率的价损失和核心损失 EELS 数据eV。钛L 3,2和氧K电子能量损失近边结构揭示的电子结构特征与 TiO 2具有很强的相似性-II 同时具有金红石和板钛矿,这归因于八面体 TiO 6单元与相邻单元的连通性的相似性。根据结合的价损失 EELS 和 UV-VIS 漫反射光谱数据,确定 TiO 2 -II的带隙是间接的,幅度为 ~3.18 eV,这与锐钛矿非常相似(间接,~3.2 eV ),并且明显不同于金红石(直接,~3.05 eV)和板钛矿(直接,~3.45 eV)。
