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Supporting the Development of Science Pre-service Teachers’ Creativity and Critical Thinking in Secondary Science Initial Teacher Education
Research in Science Education ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s11165-023-10104-x
Karen Marangio 1 , Jared Carpendale 1, 2 , Rebecca Cooper 1 , Jennifer Mansfield 1

Creative and critical thinking (C&CT) capabilities are essential qualities of future ready scientific literate citizens. As teacher educators, developing C&CT in science pre-service teachers (PSTs) requires supporting PSTs’ development of C&CT, in addition to supporting their understanding and capacity to teach for development of C&CT in their future school science students. In this study, four secondary science educators critically reflected on the development of our professional knowledge and practice for supporting secondary science PSTs’ understanding of, and capacity to teach, C&CT as future teachers of science. Meeting transcripts, reflective journaling and curriculum documents were inductively analysed for key themes, utilising an iterative approach with multiple cycles of review. Findings showed that integrating C&CT in explicit ways in our teaching and assessment tasks was not as straight-forward as initially imagined. Three themes were identified, showing how our thinking evolved, namely (1) becoming sensitised to C&CT in our science ITE practice; (2) developing a shared language and understanding for science education; and (3) illuminating the conditions for teaching C&CT. A recurring feature in all themes was the value of tensions for sensitising us to specific aspects of C&CT and its teaching. We offer recommendations for others seeking to develop science PSTs’ C&CT.



创造性和批判性思维 (C&CT) 能力是未来具备科学素养的公民的基本素质。作为教师教育工作者,在科学职前教师 (PST) 中培养 C&CT 需要支持 PST 的 C&CT 发展,此外还需要支持他们对未来学校理科学生 C&CT 发展的理解和教学能力。在这项研究中,四位中学科学教育工作者批判性地反思了我们专业知识和实践的发展,以支持中学科学 PST 作为未来科学教师对 C&CT 的理解和教学能力。采用迭代方法和多个周期的审查,对会议记录、反思日记和课程文件进行了关键主题的归纳分析。研究结果表明,以明确的方式将 C&C​​T 整合到我们的教学和评估任务中并不像最初想象的那么简单。确定了三个主题,展示了我们的思维如何演变,即(1)在我们的科学 ITE 实践中对 C&CT 变得敏感;(2) 发展科学教育的共同语言和理解;(3) 阐明 C&CT 教学条件。所有主题中反复出现的一个特征是张力对于让我们对 C&CT 及其教学的特定方面敏感的价值。我们为其他寻求发展科学 PST 的 C&CT 的人提供建议。
