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The digital transformation of management consulting companies: a review
Information Systems and E-Business Management ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s10257-023-00624-4
Emil Lucian Crișan , Adrian Marincean

Management consulting (MC), as a knowledge-based industry, is regarded as fertile ground for digital transformation (DT). However, the changes that DT has introduced to MC are rather limited, notwithstanding the many cases of successful DT in the field. This paper is a systemic review of 18 cases presented in the literature concerning the digital transformation (DT) of management consulting companies (MCCs). It builds prescriptive knowledge for researchers and practitioners concerning the different approaches used to employ DT in the management consulting (MC) field. It uses a context–intervention–mechanism–outcome (CIMO) framework analysis with a pool of articles involving cases of DT in management consulting. The main findings of the paper, the mechanisms, are based on correlations between the context, the solution adopted, and the business outcomes identified. Our analysis of the cases, based on the CIMO framework, reveals three mechanisms that explain how DT transforms MC: it supports the platformization of traditional MC; it creates an opportunity for MC through crowdsourcing, in which the consultant acts as a crowd manager; and it changes the consultant-client matching process. Our study presents different layers of DT in the management consulting industry based on the complexity of the solutions identified. The findings are relevant for both MC practitioners concerned with business strategy and MC researchers.



管理咨询(MC)作为知识型行业,被视为数字化转型(DT)的沃土。然而,尽管DT在该领域的成功案例很多,但DT给MC带来的改变却相当有限。本文对管理咨询公司(MCC)数字化转型(DT)文献中的 18 个案例进行了系统回顾。它为研究人员和从业者构建了有关在管理咨询 (MC) 领域使用数字技术的不同方法的规范性知识。它使用情境-干预-机制-结果 (CIMO) 框架分析,并包含一系列涉及管理咨询中 DT 案例的文章。本文的主要发现(机制)基于环境、采用的解决方案和确定的业务成果之间的相关性。我们基于CIMO框架对案例进行分析,揭示了DT如何改造MC的三种机制:支持传统MC的平台化;它通过众包为MC创造了机会,其中顾问充当众包管理者;它改变了顾问与客户的匹配流程。我们的研究根据所确定的解决方案的复杂性,展示了管理咨询行业中 DT 的不同层次。研究结果对于关注商业战略的 MC 从业者和 MC 研究人员都具有相关性。
