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Understanding the 0++ and 2++ charmonium(-like) states near 3.9 GeV
Science Bulletin ( IF 18.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scib.2023.02.034
Teng Ji 1 , Xiang-Kun Dong 1 , Miguel Albaladejo 2 , Meng-Lin Du 3 , Feng-Kun Guo 4 , Juan Nieves 2 , Bing-Song Zou 5

We propose that the X(3915) observed in the J/ψω channel is the same state as the χc2(3930), and the X(3960), observed in the Ds+Ds- channel, is an S-wave Ds+Ds- hadronic molecule. In addition, the JPC=0++ component in the B+D+D-K+ assigned to the X(3915) in the current Review of Particle Physics has the same origin as the X(3960), which has a mass around 3.94 GeV. To check the proposal, the available data in the DD¯ and Ds+Ds- channels from both B decays and γγ fusion reaction are analyzed considering both the DD¯-DsD¯s-D*D¯*-Ds*D¯s* coupled channels with 0++ and a 2++ state introduced additionally. It is found that all the data in different processes can be simultaneously well reproduced, and the coupled-channel dynamics produce four hidden-charm scalar molecular states with masses around 3.73, 3.94, 3.99 and 4.23 GeV, respectively. The results may deepen our understanding of the spectrum of charmonia as well as of the interactions between charmed hadrons.


了解 3.9 GeV 附近的 0++ 和 2++ charmonium(类)状态

我们建议X(3915)观察到/ψω通道与状态相同χC2个(3930), 和X(3960), 在中观察到+-通道,是S+-强子分子。除此之外个人电脑=0++中的组件++-+分配给X(3915)在当前的粒子物理学评论中与X(3960),其质量约为 3.94 GeV。要检查提案,可用数据在¯+-来自B衰减和γγ聚变反应进行了分析,同时考虑到¯-¯-*¯*-*¯*耦合通道与0++和一个2个++状态另外介绍。发现不同过程中的所有数据都可以同时很好地再现,耦合通道动力学产生四个隐藏的魅力标量分子态,质量分别约为 3.73、3.94、3.99 和 4.23 GeV。结果可能会加深我们对 charmonia 光谱以及迷人强子之间相互作用的理解。
