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Gallium Oxide Assisting Ag-Loaded Calcium Titanate Photocatalyst for Carbon Dioxide Reduction with Water
ACS Catalysis ( IF 11.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-27 , DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.2c06038
Hongxuan Qiu 1 , Akira Yamamoto 1, 2 , Hisao Yoshida 1, 2

An efficient and highly selective photocatalytic conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) into valuable chemicals such as carbon monoxide (CO) using water (H2O) as an electron donor has been much attractive and deeply desired, which requires the development of advanced photocatalysts based on a functional design. As the Ag-loaded calcium titanate (CaTiO3, CTO) photocatalyst showed a high selectivity to CO2 reduction in aqueous solution and the Ag-loaded gallium oxide (Ga2O3) photocatalyst showed a higher activity for both H2O splitting and CO2 reduction, herein, a series of composite photocatalyst samples consisting of Ga2O3 and CTO were simply fabricated by calcination of the physical mixtures, followed by loading of a Ag cocatalyst with a photodeposition method. The optimized sample with the Ag cocatalyst exhibited both a high CO formation rate of 56.9 μmol h–1 (higher than that of Ag/Ga2O3) and a high selectivity of 95.0% (comparable to Ag/CTO) in the photocatalytic CO2 reduction with H2O. In this composite photocatalyst, most of the electrons generated in the photoexcited Ga2O3 part migrated to the minor CTO particles to contribute to the selective CO2 reduction reaction, which was evidenced by the selective photodeposition of Ag species on the CTO part. The selective CO formation originates from the property of Ag-loaded CTO photocatalyst as the active part in the composite photocatalyst. The Ga2O3 part functions as an antenna to receive the light and donate the photoexcited electrons to the much decorated Ag/CTO part, where the concentrated electrons would promote CO2 reduction with high efficiency.



使用水 (H 2 O) 作为电子供体将二氧化碳 (CO 2 )高效且高选择性地光催化转化为有价值的化学物质,例如一氧化碳 (CO)一直非常有吸引力和迫切需要,这需要开发高级光催化剂基于功能设计。由于负载 Ag 的钛酸钙 (CaTiO 3 , CTO) 光催化剂对水溶液中的CO 2还原表现出高选择性,而负载 Ag 的氧化镓 (Ga 2 O 3 ) 光催化剂对 H 2 O 分解和CO 2还原,在此,一系列由Ga 2组成的复合光催化剂样品O 3和CTO 是通过物理混合物的煅烧,然后用光沉积法负载Ag 助催化剂来简单制造的。具有 Ag 助催化剂的优化样品在光催化 CO 中表现出 56.9 μmol h –1的高 CO 形成率(高于 Ag/Ga 2 O 3 )和 95.0% 的高选择性(与 Ag/CTO 相当) 2用 H 2 O 还原。在这种复合光催化剂中,在光激发的 Ga 2 O 3部分中产生的大部分电子迁移到次要的 CTO 颗粒,从而有助于选择性 CO 2还原反应,这通过 CTO 部分上 Ag 物质的选择性光沉积得到证明。选择性 CO 形成源于载银 CTO 光催化剂作为复合光催化剂中活性部分的特性。Ga 2 O 3部分用作接收光的天线,并将光生电子提供给装饰精美的 Ag/CTO 部分,其中集中的电子将高效促进 CO 2还原。