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A comprehensive experimental test of the affective disposition theory of drama
Journal of Communication ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-27 , DOI: 10.1093/joc/jqac053
Matthew Grizzard 1 , C Joseph Francemone 1 , Rebecca Frazer 1 , Kaitlin Fitzgerald 2 , Charles K Monge 1 , Christina Henry 1

Using a three-act written narrative, a preregistered 2 (Act 1 Moral/Immoral Character Behavior) × 2 (Act 3 Moral/Immoral Character Behavior) × 2 (Positive/Negative Narrative Outcome) study provides a comprehensive test of affective disposition theory (ADT) that simultaneously manipulates disposition formation and outcome evaluation processes. We convert ADT’s conceptual hypotheses into testable path models. Consistent with theory, we find (a) moral behavior creates positive dispositions which predict hopes for positive outcomes and (b) dispositions interact with outcomes to predict affect, liking of ending, and narrative enjoyment/appreciation. Consistent with Raney’s ADT extension, participants wanted liked/moral characters to engage in immoral actions that increase the odds of a positive outcome for the character. Findings also indicate variance in ADT’s predictive power: ADT better explained immediate responses (liking of ending) as compared to holistic responses (narrative enjoyment/appreciation). Our results contribute to work on enjoyment/appreciation by identifying areas where enjoyment and appreciation are more/less distinguishable.



使用三幕书面叙事,预先注册的 2(第 1 幕道德/不道德品格行为)×2(第 3 幕道德/不道德品格行为)×2(正面/负面叙事结果)研究提供了情感倾向理论的综合测试( ADT)同时操纵处置形成和结果评估过程。我们将 ADT 的概念假设转换为可测试的路径模型。与理论一致,我们发现 (a) 道德行为会产生积极的倾向,从而预测对积极结果的希望,以及 (b) 倾向与结果相互作用以预测影响、喜欢结局和叙事享受/欣赏。与 Raney 的 ADT 扩展一致,参与者希望喜欢/有道德的角色参与不道德的行为,从而增加角色获得积极结果的几率。调查结果还表明 ADT 预测能力的差异:与整体反应(叙事享受/欣赏)相比,ADT 更好地解释了即时反应(喜欢结束)。我们的结果通过识别享受和欣赏更多/更少区分的区域,有助于享受/欣赏的工作。