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Phase equilibria and phase diagrams of the ternary system (NaNO3 + RbNO3 + H2O) at 298.15 and 338.15 K: Experimental and application
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jct.2023.107037
Xiaomeng Liu , Mengying Chen , Guoyuan Xiong , Yafei Guo , Lingzong Meng , Tianlong Deng

The phase equilibria of the ternary system at 298.15 and 338.15 K were investigated by the isothermal dissolution equilibrium and wet-reside solid phase (Schreinemarkers rule) methods. The solubilities and the physicochemical properties containing density and refractive index were obtained experimentally. Then, the phase diagrams and the diagrams of physicochemical properties against the composition in the ternary system at two temperatures were proposed. The phase diagrams of this system at two temperatures contain two invariant points, three solubility curves, and three crystallized regions corresponding to NaNO3, RbNO3 and double salt NaRb2(NO3)3. According to the phase diagrams at 298.15 and 338.15 K, a novel separation process of RbNO3 from the mixture solution of NaNO3 was established for the first time, and the separation rate of RbNO3 in the mixed solution reached 43.75% in a single yield. This work provides an efficient and reliable RbNO3 green recovery method from the eluent solution of NaNO3 efficiently.


三元体系 (NaNO3 + RbNO3 + H2O) 在 298.15 和 338.15 K 的相平衡和相图:实验和应用

通过等温溶解平衡和湿残留物固相(Schreinemarkers 规则)方法研究了三元系统在 298.15 和 338.15 K 的相平衡。溶解度和包括密度和折射率在内的物理化学性质是通过实验获得的。然后,提出了在两个温度下三元体系中的相图和物理化学性质与组成的关系图。该体系在两个温度下的相图包含两个不变点、三个溶解度曲线和三个分别对应NaNO 3、RbNO 3和复盐NaRb 2 (NO 3 ) 3的结晶区. 根据298.15和338.15 K相图,首次建立了从NaNO 3 混合溶液中分离RbNO 3的新工艺,单收率达到43.75%。 . 本工作提供了一种高效可靠的从NaNO 3洗脱液中高效回收RbNO 3绿色的方法。
