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Connecting Posthumanist Thinking with GIS Practice: Explorations of a Prehistoric Heathland Landscape in Jutland, Denmark
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s10816-023-09603-y
Mark Haughton

While developments in GIS technology and methodologies continue to add great value to archaeological research, they have often fallen somewhat out of step with theoretical developments elsewhere in the discipline. The result is a technology that focuses on the practically possible—new questions emerge as and when the technology allows. While more experimental approaches exist in some sub-disciplines, such as studies of the North American Southwest or contemporary archaeology, these are not regularly incorporated elsewhere. This paper explores the possibilities for GIS-based research to engage with current theoretical debates surrounding posthumanism, and particularly assemblage thinking. A case study focuses on the European prehistoric heathlands, arguing that limiting our investigations to traditional realms of GIS practice means that much of the detail that defines different types of landscape disappears from view. By taking inspiration from assemblage thinking, I explore the multiple species that make up heathlands and define how they were experienced and interacted with in the Early Bronze Age of Denmark. Thus, I argue that GIS and posthumanism have much to offer one another in archaeological practice.


将后人类主义思维与 GIS 实践联系起来:丹麦日德兰半岛史前石南地貌的探索

虽然 GIS 技术和方法的发展继续为考古研究增加巨大价值,但它们往往与该学科其他领域的理论发展有些脱节。其结果是一种专注于实际可能的技术——只要技术允许,就会出现新的问题。虽然一些子学科存在更多的实验方法,例如北美西南部或当代考古学的研究,但这些方法并没有定期纳入其他地方。本文探讨了基于 GIS 的研究参与当前围绕后人类主义,特别是组合思维的理论争论的可能性。一个案例研究重点关注欧洲史前荒地,认为将我们的调查限制在 GIS 实践的传统领域意味着定义不同类型景观的许多细节从视野中消失。通过从组合思维中汲取灵感,我探索了组成石南荒地的多种物种,并定义了它们在丹麦早期青铜时代的体验和互动方式。因此,我认为 GIS 和后人类主义在考古实践中可以提供很多帮助。
