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Ti-decorated nitrogen-rich BeN4 monolayer for reversible hydrogen storage: DFT investigations
Applied Surface Science ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2023.156806
Ravi Trivedi , Surinder Kaur , Nandini Garg , Brahmananda Chakraborty

The metal-decorated two-dimensional materials have the potential to be considered as onboard hydrogen storage materials, as they have a high surface area and fast kinetics. Here, the application of titanium atom (Ti) decoration on the nitrogen-rich BeN4 monolayer for hydrogen storage is studied by means of Density Functional Theory (DFT). BeN4 is made up of five and six-membered rings and has been synthesized using high-pressure nanofabrication in the recent past. The binding energy of the Ti-decorated BeN4 monolayer comes out to be −2.04 eV indicating that an energetically stable complex is formed after metal decoration. The spin-polarized partial density of states (PDOS) implies that semimetal BeN4 becomes magnetic after Ti decoration. The charge transfer analysis validates transfer of charge from the Ti metal atom toward the BeN4 monolayer. The Ti-decorated BeN4 (BeN4 + Ti) can bind seven hydrogen molecules via Kubas interactions with average adsorption energy and desorption temperature of −0.36 eV/H2 and 512 K, correspondingly satisfying DOE’s criteria. The ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations ensure the structural integrity of the BeN4 + Ti complex at 300 K. The high diffusion energy barrier reduces the probability of metal–metal clustering formation. The storage capacity of the BeN4 + Ti complex comes out to be 14.21 gravimetric wt% of hydrogen. The present electronic and molecular level study signifies that the Ti-decorated nitrogen-rich BeN4 monolayer has the potential to fulfill the requirements to be considered as an energy storage material.


用于可逆储氢的钛装饰富氮 BeN4 单层:DFT 研究

金属装饰的二维材料有可能被视为机载储氢材料,因为它们具有高表面积和快速动力学。在这里,利用密度泛函理论 (DFT) 研究了钛原子 (Ti) 修饰在富氮 BeN 4单层上的储氢应用。BeN 4由五元环和六元环组成,最近已通过高压纳米加工合成。Ti 装饰的 BeN 4单层的结合能为 -2.04 eV,表明金属装饰后形成了能量稳定的复合物。自旋极化偏态密度 (PDOS) 意味着半金属 BeN 4Ti装饰后变得有磁性。电荷转移分析验证了电荷从 Ti 金属原子向 BeN 4单层的转移。Ti 修饰的 BeN 4 (BeN 4  + Ti) 可以通过Kubas 相互作用结合七个氢分子,平均吸附能和解吸温度为 -0.36 eV/H 2和 512 K,相应地满足 DOE 的标准。从头算分子动力学 (AIMD) 模拟确保 BeN 4  + Ti 络合物在 300 K 时的结构完整性。高扩散能垒降低了金属-金属簇形成的可能性。BeN 4的存储容量 + Ti 复合物含有 14.21 重量百分比的氢。目前的电子和分子水平研究表明,Ti 装饰的富氮 BeN 4单层有可能满足被视为储能材料的要求。
