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Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Conductivity of a Weakly Coordinating Anion/Cation Salt for Electrolyte Application in Next-Generation Batteries
Accounts of Chemical Research ( IF 16.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-22 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.2c00584
Ghislain Mandouma 1 , Journee Collins 1 , Darrian Williams 1

Research at historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) started with humble beginnings by G. W. Carver at Tuskegee Institute AL, the nation’s first HBCU. He is now remembered as the man who transformed one crop, peanuts to more than 300 useful products such as food, beverages, medicines, cosmetics, and chemicals. However, research was not the focus of most of the newly founded HBCUs to provide, primarily, liberal arts education and training in agriculture for the black minority. HBCUs remained segregated, lacking facilities such as libraries and scientific/research equipment comparable to those at traditionally white institutions. While the Civil Rights Act of 1964 heralded the dawn of “equal opportunity” and progressive desegregation in the South, many public HBCUs had to close or merge with white institutions due to loss of funding and/or students. In order to remain competitive in enrollment and financial support of the best talents, HBCUs have been expanding their research and federal contracts by working in collaboration with research-intensive institutions and/or minority-serving institutions (MSIs). Albany State University (ASU), an HBCU with a great tradition of in-house and extramural undergraduate research, has partnered with the laboratory of Dr. John Miller at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) to offer the best training and mentorship to our undergraduates. Students synthesized and performed conductivity measurements on a new generation of ion-pair salts. One of these constitutes, potentially, a nonaqueous electrolyte for the next generation of high-energy-density batteries owing to its electrochemical properties.



历史悠久的黑人学院和大学 (HBCU) 的研究始于美国第一家 HBCU Tuskegee Institute AL 的 GW Carver 的卑微开端。他现在被人们记住是因为他将一种作物,花生,转化为 300 多种有用的产品,如食品、饮料、药品、化妆品和化学品。然而,研究并不是大多数新成立的 HBCU 的重点,主要是为黑人少数民族提供文科教育和农业培训。HBCUs 仍然是隔离的,缺乏与传统白人机构相媲美的图书馆和科学/研究设备等设施。虽然 1964 年的民权法案预示着南方“平等机会”和逐步废除种族隔离的曙光,由于资金和/或学生的损失,许多公立 HBCU 不得不关闭或与白人机构合并。为了在最优秀人才的招生和财政支持方面保持竞争力,HBCU 一直在通过与研究密集型机构和/或少数族裔服务机构 (MSI) 合作来扩大他们的研究和联邦合同。奥尔巴尼州立大学 (ASU) 是一所拥有内部和校外本科生研究优良传统的 HBCU,它与布鲁克海文国家实验室 (BNL) 的 John Miller 博士实验室合作,为我们的本科生提供最好的培训和指导。学生合成了新一代离子对盐并进行了电导率测量。其中之一可能构成,