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Myrmecophily of the enigmatic stag beetle Torynognathus chrysomelinus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae: Lucaninae) with remarks on adult morphology, immature stages, and systematic position
Entomological Science ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-21 , DOI: 10.1111/ens.12539
Showtaro Kakizoe 1, 2 , Shunsuke Kakinuma 3 , Konosuke Hoshino 4 , Rosli Hashim 5 , Nurul Ashikin Abdullah 5 , Munetoshi Maruyama 2

Adults and various immature stages of the stag beetle Torynognathus chrysomelinus Bomans, 1986 were found inside the nests of Pseudolasius ants in Peninsular Malaysia. This paper provides a detailed description of T. chrysomelinus, which is the first ever record of myrmecophily in this genus and the third record in the family Lucanidae. This is also the first record of myrmecophilous Coleoptera with Pseudolasius ants as a host. The description includes the illustration of the male genitalia, mouthparts, larva, and pupa of this genus for the first time. Furthermore, the systematic position of T. chrysomelinus was inferred by the molecular phylogenetic analysis of the family Lucanidae. The results suggest that Torynognathus is a sister taxon to the genus Aegus.


神秘的牡鹿甲虫 Torynognathus chrysomelinus(鞘翅目:Lucanidae:Lucaninae)的 Myrmecophily 以及对成虫形态、未成熟阶段和系统位置的评论

在马来西亚半岛的Pseudolasius蚂蚁巢内发现了 1986 年的成年和各种未成熟阶段的锹形甲虫Torynognathus chrysomelinus Bomans。这篇论文详细描述了T. chrysomelinus,这是该属的第一个 myrmecophily 记录,也是Lucanidae科的第三个记录。这也是首次记录到以蚁为宿主的蚁科鞘翅目昆虫。描述中首次包括该属雄性生殖器、口器、幼虫和蛹的插图。此外, T. chrysomelinus的系统位置由Lucanidae科的分子系统发育分析推断。结果表明,Torynognathus是Aegus属的姊妹分类单元。