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COVID-19 vaccine rollout: data from informal settlements in Harare, Kampala, Lilongwe and Mumbai
Environment and Urbanization ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-21 , DOI: 10.1177/09562478221149876
Kate Lines , Stanley Dzimadzi , Edris Lubega , Patience Mudimu-Matsangaise , Vinodkumar Rao , Junior Alves Sebbanja , Happiness Zidana , Diana Mitlin

While the COVID-19 pandemic’s effect on the health of low-income urban communities in the global South has not been insignificant, the results of state responses carried out without full considerat...


COVID-19 疫苗的推出:来自哈拉雷、坎帕拉、利隆圭和孟买非正规住区的数据

尽管 COVID-19 大流行对全球南方低收入城市社区的健康影响并非微不足道,但各国在没有充分考虑的情况下采取应对措施的结果......