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Oxidation behavior of Ti2AlC MAX-phase foams in the temperature range of 600–1000 °C
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s10973-023-11990-z
Marek Potoczek , Jarosław Dąbek , Tomasz Brylewski

The isothermal oxidation behavior of Ti2AlC gel-cast foams with an almost completely open porosity of 87 vol% was investigated in the temperature range of 600–1000 °C, in static air, and for exposure times of up to 6.5 h. It was found that the oxidation process obeyed the parabolic rate law. The determined parabolic oxidation rate constants were low, indicating that the material’s resistance to oxidation at high temperatures was very good, especially given its highly porous form. The nature of the scale formed on the strut surface of Ti2AlC foams changed significantly with increasing oxidation temperature. After oxidation at 600 °C, gaps/cracks were observed between Ti2AlC layers on the strut surface, and the oxidation products were mixed Ti and Al oxides. At 700–800 °C, the scales were integrated and composed of Ti and Al oxides. At 900–1000 °C, the oxidation products were composed of large elongated plates of TiO2 (rutile) and small, needle-like Al2O3 (corundum) grains.


Ti2AlC MAX 相泡沫在 600–1000 °C 温度范围内的氧化行为

在 600–1000 °C 的温度范围内、在静态空气中以及暴露时间长达 6.5 小时的条件下,研究了Ti 2 AlC 凝胶浇注泡沫的等温氧化行为,该泡沫具有几乎完全开放的 87 vol% 的孔隙率。发现氧化过程服从抛物线速率定律。确定的抛物线氧化速率常数很低,表明该材料在高温下的抗氧化性非常好,特别是考虑到其高度多孔的形式。随着氧化温度的升高, Ti 2 AlC泡沫支架表面形成的氧化皮性质发生显着变化。在 600 °C 氧化后,在 Ti 2之间观察到间隙/裂纹支柱表面有AlC层,氧化产物为Ti和Al的混合氧化物。在 700–800 °C 时,鳞片被整合并由 Ti 和 Al 氧化物组成。在 900–1000 °C,氧化产物由大的细长 TiO 2 (金红石)板和小的针状 Al 2 O 3(刚玉)晶粒组成。
