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Evaluation of antifungal activity, mechanisms of action and toxicological profile of the synthetic amide 2-chloro-N-phenylacetamide
Drug and Chemical Toxicology ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-20 , DOI: 10.1080/01480545.2022.2158849
Elba Dos Santos Ferreira 1 , Laísa Vilar Cordeiro 1 , Daniele de Figuerêdo Silva 1 , Hermes Diniz Neto 1 , Aleson Pereira de Sousa 2 , Helivaldo Diógenes da Silva Souza 3 , Petrônio Filgueiras de Athayde-Filho 3 , Felipe Queiroga Sarmento Guerra 4 , José Maria Barbosa-Filho 1 , Abrahão Alves de Oliveira Filho 5 , Edeltrudes de Oliveira Lima 1 , Ricardo Dias de Castro 1

Aspergillus niger causes infections such as otitis and pulmonary aspergillosis in immunocompromised individuals. Treatment involves voriconazole or amphotericin B, and due to the increase in fungal...


合成酰胺 2-氯-N-苯乙酰胺的抗真菌活性、作用机制和毒理学特征评价

黑曲霉会在免疫功能低下的个体中引起中耳炎和肺曲霉病等感染。治疗涉及伏立康唑或两性霉素 B,并且由于真菌增加......