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Recent developments in GO/Cellulose based composites: Properties, synthesis, and its applications
Polymer ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2023.125786
Cheera Prasad , Nawal Madkhali , Byoung-Min Lee , Chan Sol Kang , Hyeong Yeol Choi

Graphene oxide (GO), a fantastic graphene derivative and two-dimensional (2D) carbon allotrope, has many different oxygen-containing groups (-OH, -COOH). Its wide specific surface, high optical transmittance, and high carrier mobility were thought to make it an excellent catalytic support and promoter. Due to its distinct physical and chemical features, researchers from several fields gave it a great deal of attention. Moreover, cellulose is a popular alternative for supporting material not only in the field of wastewater treatment but also in the administration of drugs due to its renewability, wide availability, low cost, biocompatibility, and biodegradability. Furthermore, the abundance of hydroxyl groups at the C2, C3, and C6 locations, together with their high reactivity, offer opportunities for chemical modification reactions, making cellulose an excellent candidate for modification for future usage. Additionally, GO and cellulose are hydrophilic because of the abundance of oxygen-containing groups, which enables them to disperse easily in water and organic solvents. The well-integrated GO/cellulose-based composites would be produced by homogeneous mixing of graphene oxide and cellulose in one pot via hydrogen bonds and intermolecular interactions. In this review, we recapitulate the present state-of-the-art production methods for GO/cellulose based hybrid composites, with a specific focus on the properties and the research development in the application of GO/cellulose based hybrid composites for photodegradation of dyes, metal adsorption, sensors, supercapacitors, and biomedical applications. Finally, in light of the current developments, the upcoming challenges are emphasized and discussed. The GO/cellulose based hybrid composites' high performance and versatility open up a wide range of new possibilities for future application research.


GO/Cellulose 基复合材料的最新进展:性能、合成及其应用

氧化石墨烯 (GO) 是一种奇妙的石墨烯衍生物和二维 (2D) 碳同素异形体,具有许多不同的含氧基团(-OH、-COOH)。其宽比表面积、高透光率和高载流子迁移率被认为使其成为优异的催化载体和促进剂。由于其独特的理化特性,受到了多个领域研究人员的高度关注。此外,由于纤维素的可再生性、广泛可用性、低成本、生物相容性和生物降解性,它不仅在废水处理领域而且在药物管理领域都是一种流行的支持材料替代品。此外,C2、C3 和 C6 位置丰富的羟基及其高反应性为化学修饰反应提供了机会,使纤维素成为未来使用的改性的极好候选者。此外,GO 和纤维素由于含有丰富的含氧基团而具有亲水性,这使它们能够轻松分散在水和有机溶剂中。良好集成的 GO/纤维素基复合材料将通过氢键和分子间相互作用在一个锅中均匀混合氧化石墨烯和纤维素来生产。在这篇综述中,我们概括了目前最先进的 GO/纤维素基杂化复合材料的生产方法,重点介绍了 GO/纤维素基杂化复合材料的性能和在染料光降解中的应用研究进展、金属吸附、传感器、超级电容器和生物医学应用。最后,鉴于目前的发展,强调并讨论了即将到来的挑战。GO/纤维素基杂化复合材料的高性能和多功能性为未来的应用研究开辟了广泛的新可能性。
