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An in-situ assembled titanate nanotube-based dimensionality-hybrid for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen generation
Applied Surface Science ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2023.156795
Hu Zhu , Lixia Qin , Zhixiang Wei , Taiyang Zhang , Shi-Zhao Kang , Xiangqing Li

Dimensionality-hybrids are potentially functional materials due to their great advantages in obtaining high light absorption and effective electron transfer, which are vital in energy conversion and electronic devices. Herein, a novel dimensionality-hybrid was facilely fabricated by in-situ assembling two-dimensional Co (II) meso-tetra (4-carboxyphenyl) porphyrin metal organic framework (Co-TCPP MOF) on one-dimensional titanate nanotubes (TNTs). The enhanced light absorption, abundant active sites and improved charge separation and transfer were achieved in the special “dimensionality-hybrid”. Importantly, the obtained TNTs/Co-TCPP MOF exhibited large photocatalytic H2 production compared with some comparisons without adding any cocatalysts. Furthermore, the mechanism of charge transition in the nanohybrid was explored by hydroxyl radical trapping experiment. This research will pave a new way in the fabrication and mechanism exploration of the nano photocatalysts for efficient H2 evolution.



多维混合材料是潜在的功能材料,因为它们在获得高光吸收和有效电子转移方面具有巨大优势,这在能量转换和电子设备中至关重要。在此,通过在一维钛酸盐纳米管 (TNT) 上原位组装二维 Co (II) 内消旋四 (4-羧基苯基) 卟啉金属有机骨架 (Co-TCPP MOF),轻松制备了一种新型维杂化物。在特殊的“维度混合”中实现了增强的光吸收、丰富的活性位点和改进的电荷分离和转移。重要的是,所获得的 TNTs/Co-TCPP MOF 表现出大的光催化 H 2生产与不添加任何助催化剂的一些比较相比。此外,通过羟基自由基捕获实验探索了纳米杂化物中电荷跃迁的机理。该研究将为高效析氢纳米光催化剂的制备和机理探索开辟一条新途径。
