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Communication-based strategies to curb the overuse of low-value cancer screening
Journal of Communication ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-16 , DOI: 10.1093/joc/jqad006
Soela Kim 1 , Jennifer L Monahan 2 , Young Kyung Do 3, 4

Drawing upon the theory of reasoned action, the protection motivation theory, and theories of regret, this study proposes and examines three communication strategies to curb the overuse of low-value cancer screening: (a) highlighting negative affective consequences of screening; (b) providing information about diagnostic uncertainty, and (c) using a noncancer disease label. An online survey-based experiment using a 2 (affective message: absent vs. present) × 2 (diagnostic uncertainty information: absent vs. present) × 2 (disease label: thyroid cancer vs. a borderline thyroid neoplasm) full-factorial between-subject design with a control condition was conducted. A total of 612 South Korean women participated. As predicted, the affective message and diagnostic uncertainty information significantly reduced positive attitudes toward screening uptake and anticipated regret regarding screening nonuptake, respectively, thereby reducing screening intention. The noncancer label also reduced screening intention by lowering perceived severity and positive attitude in sequence.



借鉴理性行为理论、保护动机理论和后悔理论,本研究提出并检验了三种沟通策略,以遏制低价值癌症筛查的过度使用:(a) 强调筛查的负面情感后果;(b) 提供有关诊断不确定性的信息,以及 (c) 使用非癌症疾病标签。基于在线调查的实验使用 2(情感信息:不存在与存在)×2(诊断不确定性信息:不存在与存在)×2(疾病标签:甲状腺癌与交界性甲状腺肿瘤)之间的全因子进行了具有控制条件的主题设计。共有612名韩国女性参加。正如预测的那样,情感信息和诊断不确定性信息分别显着降低了对筛查接受的积极态度和对筛查不接受的预期后悔,从而降低了筛查意愿。非癌症标签还通过依次降低感知严重性和积极态度来降低筛查意愿。