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seco-Pregnane Glycosides from Australian Caustic Vine (Cynanchum viminale subsp. australe)
Journal of Natural Products ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-16 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.2c01037
Yongbo Xue 1, 2 , Andrei I Savchenko 1 , Kylie A Agnew-Francis 1 , Jared A Miles 3 , Tina Holt 4 , Hieng Lu 5 , Sharon Chow 1 , Paul I Forster 6 , Glen M Boyle 5 , Benjamin P Ross 3 , Katja Fischer 5 , Andrei G Kutateladze 4 , Craig M Williams 1

Cynanchum viminale subsp. australe, more commonly known as caustic vine, is a leafless succulent that grows in the northern arid zone of Australia. Toxicity toward livestock has been reported for this species, along with use in traditional medicine and its potential anticancer activity. Disclosed herein are novel seco-pregnane aglycones cynavimigenin A (5) and cynaviminoside A (6), together with new pregnane glycosides cynaviminoside B (7) and cynavimigenin B (8). Cynavimigenin B (8) contains an unprecedented 7-oxobicyclo[2.2.1]heptane moiety in the seco-pregnane series, likely arising from a pinacol-type rearrangement. Interestingly, these isolates displayed only limited cytotoxicity in cancer and normal human cell lines, in addition to low activity against acetylcholinesterase and Sarcoptes scabiei bioassays, suggesting that 58 are not associated with the reported toxicity of this plant species.


来自澳大利亚苛性藤 (Cynanchum viminale subsp. australe) 的 seco-Pregnane Glycosides

Cynanchum viminale亚种。澳大利亚,通常被称为腐蚀藤,是一种生长在澳大利亚北部干旱地区的无叶多肉植物。据报道,该物种对牲畜有毒性,在传统医学中的使用及其潜在的抗癌活性。本文公开了新的开环孕烷糖苷配基 cynavimigenin A ( 5 ) 和 cynaviminoside A ( 6 ),以及新的孕烷糖苷 cynaviminoside B ( 7 ) 和 cynavimigenin B ( 8 )。Cynavimigenin B ( 8 ) 在seco中包含前所未有的 7-oxobicyclo[2.2.1]heptane 部分-pregnane 系列,可能来自频哪醇型重排。有趣的是,这些分离株在癌症和正常人类细胞系中仅表现出有限的细胞毒性,此外还对乙酰胆碱酯酶和Sarcoptes scabiei生物测定具有低活性,表明5-8与已报道的该植物物种的毒性无关。