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Furfural electroreduction in choline-glycerol deep eutectic solvent
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jelechem.2023.117269
Julien Vander Steen , Florent Boissou , Michel Luhmer , Claudine Buess-Herman , Stève Baranton , Christophe Coutanceau , Thomas Doneux

Electroreduction of furfural, a platform chemical that can be obtained from lignocellulosic biomass and agricultural waste, was studied by coupling in-situ FTIR spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry on gold and copper electrodes in Deep Eutectic Solvent (DES) unconventional medium. Choline-glycerol DES medium was selected by investigating with the help of NMR spectroscopy the stability of furfural in the two commonly used DES: choline chloride/urea 1:2 and glycerol 1:2. Instability of furfural in choline chloride/urea 1:2 and the presence of a specific reaction between urea and furfural was evidenced with the same technique. After that, the electrochemical stability of the glycerol DES itself was monitored by FTIR measurements in the absence and presence of furfural. The product of furfural reduction, furfuryl alcohol, was evidenced. The influence of the electrode morphology on the stability of the DES and the furfural behavior was investigated by synthesizing Au/C and Cu/C nanoparticles.



通过原位耦合研究了糠醛的电还原,糠醛是一种可从木质纤维素生物质和农业废弃物中获得的平台化学品深共晶溶剂 (DES) 非常规介质中金和铜电极的 FTIR 光谱和循环伏安法。通过在核磁共振光谱的帮助下研究糠醛在两种常用 DES 中的稳定性来选择胆碱-甘油 DES 介质:氯化胆碱/尿素 1:2 和甘油 1:2。糠醛在氯化胆碱/尿素 1:2 中的不稳定性以及尿素和糠醛之间特定反应的存在用相同的技术得到证明。之后,在不存在和存在糠醛的情况下,通过 FTIR 测量监测甘油 DES 本身的电化学稳定性。证明了糠醛还原产物糠醇。通过合成 Au/C 和 Cu/C 纳米粒子研究了电极形态对 DES 稳定性和糠醛行为的影响。
