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Modelling of fixed bed and slurry bubble column reactors for Fischer–Tropsch synthesis
Reviews in Chemical Engineering ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-14 , DOI: 10.1515/revce-2022-0041
Frank Sauerhöfer-Rodrigo 1, 2 , Ismael Díaz 1 , Manuel Rodríguez 1 , Ponciano Pérez 2

An extensive review of slurry bubble column reactor and fixed bed reactor steady state models for Fischer–Tropsch synthesis is presented in this work. Material, energy and momentum balance equations are presented here along with the relevant findings of each study for modelling purposes. For fixed bed reactor models, one-dimensional and two-dimensional models can be differentiated, with the latter being better at predicting hot spots and thermal runaways, although the computational effort required solving them is also higher. Fixed bed reactors can also be classified as pseudo-homogeneous or heterogeneous models, the former considering that all phases are in thermal and chemical equilibrium, and the latter having different profiles for the catalyst particles, generally including a pellet model. For slurry bubble column reactors, single-class and double-class bubble models can be differentiated. The double-class bubble models represent better churn-turbulent regimes at the expense of a higher computational effort.


