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Benchmarking automotive nonwoven composites from date palm midrib and spadix fibers in comparison to commercial leaf fibers
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s13399-023-03910-w
Lobna A. Elseify , Mohamad Midani , Ayman A. El-Badawy , Abdel-Fattah M. Seyam , Mohammad Jawaid

In an attempt to increase the biodiversity of natural fibers, new sources of natural fibers should be discovered. Long textile-grade date palm (DP) fibers were used in the manufacturing of 50:50 polypropylene nonwoven composite. DP fibers are considered newcomers to the natural fiber library. The main aim of this work was to benchmark different types of DP fiber composites in comparison to other commercial leaf fiber composites, namely, sisal, abaca, and banana, in addition to FlexForm automotive composites. The composites were mechanically and physically characterized in order to determine their properties. The results showed that the void content in DP composites was lower than that in sisal and abaca by 33% and 40% respectively. DP composites have tensile strength within the same range as sisal composites and higher than that of banana by nearly 33%. The modulus of elasticity and failure strain of DP composites were nearly 3 GPa and up to 3% respectively. The flexural strength of DP composites (35 MPa) was in the same range as that of sisal and abaca. The normalized impact energy of DP composites was higher than that of banana by 50%. The dynamic mechanical analysis of the six composites showed similar behavior with a glass transition temperature around 10 °C. Finally, the water absorption behavior of DP composites was better than the other composites (lower than sisal by 63%). The results showed that DP fibers are good candidates for applications in automotive interior composites, given their competitive performance and high potential availability.



为了增加天然纤维的生物多样性,应该发现新的天然纤维来源。纺织级海枣 (DP) 长纤维用于制造 50:50 聚丙烯非织造复合材料。DP 纤维被认为是天然纤维库的新成员。这项工作的主要目的是将不同类型的 DP 纤维复合材料与其他商业叶纤维复合材料(即剑麻、蕉麻和香蕉)以及 FlexForm 汽车复合材料进行比较。对复合材料进行机械和物理表征以确定其性能。结果表明,DP 复合材料中的空隙率比剑麻和蕉麻分别低 33% 和 40%。DP复合材料的抗拉强度与剑麻复合材料在同一范围内,比香蕉高近33%。DP 复合材料的弹性模量和失效应变分别接近 3 GPa 和高达 3%。DP 复合材料的弯曲强度 (35 MPa) 与剑麻和蕉麻处于同一范围内。DP复合材料的归一化冲击功比香蕉高50%。六种复合材料的动态力学分析显示出相似的行为,玻璃化转变温度约为 10 °C。最后,DP 复合材料的吸水性能优于其他复合材料(比剑麻低 63%)。结果表明,DP 纤维是汽车内饰复合材料应用的良好候选者,因为它们具有竞争力的性能和高潜在可用性。DP 复合材料的弹性模量和失效应变分别接近 3 GPa 和高达 3%。DP 复合材料的弯曲强度 (35 MPa) 与剑麻和蕉麻处于同一范围内。DP复合材料的归一化冲击功比香蕉高50%。六种复合材料的动态力学分析显示出相似的行为,玻璃化转变温度约为 10 °C。最后,DP 复合材料的吸水性能优于其他复合材料(比剑麻低 63%)。结果表明,DP 纤维是汽车内饰复合材料应用的良好候选者,因为它们具有竞争力的性能和高潜在可用性。DP 复合材料的弹性模量和失效应变分别接近 3 GPa 和高达 3%。DP 复合材料的弯曲强度 (35 MPa) 与剑麻和蕉麻处于同一范围内。DP复合材料的归一化冲击功比香蕉高50%。六种复合材料的动态力学分析显示出相似的行为,玻璃化转变温度约为 10 °C。最后,DP 复合材料的吸水性能优于其他复合材料(比剑麻低 63%)。结果表明,DP 纤维是汽车内饰复合材料应用的良好候选者,因为它们具有竞争力的性能和高潜在可用性。DP 复合材料的弯曲强度 (35 MPa) 与剑麻和蕉麻处于同一范围内。DP复合材料的归一化冲击功比香蕉高50%。六种复合材料的动态力学分析显示出相似的行为,玻璃化转变温度约为 10 °C。最后,DP 复合材料的吸水性能优于其他复合材料(比剑麻低 63%)。结果表明,DP 纤维是汽车内饰复合材料应用的良好候选者,因为它们具有竞争力的性能和高潜在可用性。DP 复合材料的弯曲强度 (35 MPa) 与剑麻和蕉麻处于同一范围内。DP复合材料的归一化冲击功比香蕉高50%。六种复合材料的动态力学分析显示出相似的行为,玻璃化转变温度约为 10 °C。最后,DP 复合材料的吸水性能优于其他复合材料(比剑麻低 63%)。结果表明,DP 纤维是汽车内饰复合材料应用的良好候选者,因为它们具有竞争力的性能和高潜在可用性。最后,DP 复合材料的吸水性能优于其他复合材料(比剑麻低 63%)。结果表明,DP 纤维是汽车内饰复合材料应用的良好候选者,因为它们具有竞争力的性能和高潜在可用性。最后,DP 复合材料的吸水性能优于其他复合材料(比剑麻低 63%)。结果表明,DP 纤维是汽车内饰复合材料应用的良好候选者,因为它们具有竞争力的性能和高潜在可用性。
