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Trihalide-included (I2, Br2 and IBrCl−) bambus[6]urils in halogenation and iodine-catalysed reactions
Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s10847-023-01179-0
Renato Salviato Cicolani , Antonio Gustavo Sampaio de Oliveira-Filho , Ana Paula de Lima Batista , Grégoire Jean-François Demets

We have prepared two new heterotrihalides inside methyl-bambus[6]uril, [Br2Cl]@MeBU[6] and [BrICl]@MeBU[6], both in solution and in the solid state. These heterotrihalides were used alongside with the first one our group has produced, [I2Cl]@MeBU[6], as halogenation agents in classical halogenation and iodine-based catalysts for organic reactions, with comparable yields to those obtained with pure dihalogens.


卤化和碘催化反应中的三卤化物(I2、Br2 和 IBrCl−)竹[6]脲

我们在甲基-bambus[6]uril 中制备了两种新的异三卤化物,[Br 2 Cl] - @ MeBU[6]和 [BrICl] - @ MeBU[6],既有溶液也有固态。这些杂三卤化物与我们小组生产的第一种杂三卤化物 [I 2 Cl] @ MeBU[6]一起用作经典卤化和有机反应的碘基催化剂中的卤化剂,其收率与纯二卤素的收率相当.
