Comparative Drama ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-11
- Contributors
Igor Djordjevic is an Associate Professor of Early Modern English literature at York University and the Chair of the English Department at Glendon College. He is the author of Holinshed's Nation: Ideals, Memory, and Practical Policy in the Chronicles (Ashgate, 2010) and King John (Mis)Remembered: The Dunmow Chronicle, the Lord Admiral's Men, and the Formation of Cultural Memory (Ashgate, 2015), and he has published chapters and articles focused on Renaissance drama and eighteenth-century literature in editions such as The Oxford Handbook of Holinshed's Chronicles (2013) and journals including Renaissance and Reformation, 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era, The Shandean, and Swift Studies.
Daniel Gustafson is an Associate Professor of English at the City College of New York. He is the author of Lothario's Corpse: Libertine Drama and the Long-Running Restoration, 1700-1832 (Bucknell University Press, 2020).
Chris Highley is Professor of English at the Ohio State University where he is also director of The Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. His most recent book is Blackfriars in Early Modern London: Theater, Church, and Neighborhood (Oxford University Press, 2022). As a Project Associate at the online Map of Early Modern London, he coordinates the London Parish Project.
Nancy Jones is a Professor of Theatre at the University of Kentucky. Molière's Women (a play she wrote and directed) premiered in Paris, France in 2007. Her translations include The Maids, The Lesson, The Bald Soprano, and Marivaux's The Dispute, which played at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Her research centers on French theatre, comedy, and feminist theory, and her work as a Theatre Director has been featured at the Lincoln Center Directors Lab, New York Fringe Festival, and New Dramatists. Nancy is s former board member for the National Association of Schools of Theatre and was Chair of the UK theatre department for twelve years.
Pamela King is Professor Emerita of Medieval Studies in the University of Glasgow. She is an interdisciplinary medievalist publishing on late medieval English literature, theatre, tomb sculpture, and manuscripts, as well as civic festivals past and present. Her books include The York Mystery Cycle and the Worship of the City (2006), Medieval Literature 1300-1500 (2013), (ed.) The Routledge Research Companion to Early Drama and Performance (2017), and Reading Texts for Performance and Performances as Texts (selected essays edited by Alexandra F. Johnston, 2021).
Sophie Nield teaches in the Department of Drama, Theatre and Dance, School of Performing and Digital Arts at Royal Holloway, University of London, UK. She writes on questions of space, theatricality and representation in political life and the law, and on the performance of 'borders' of various kinds. Recent work has focused on the picket line as a theatrical space, and on law, violence and theatricality in the trial of the Chicago 8. She also publishes on aspects of nineteenth century culture, including studies of Bram Stoker's Dracula, migration and disease; the London Dock Strike of 1889; and the impact of theatre technology on the modernist visual imagination.
Bella Poynton is an Assistant Professor of English and Theatre at Medaille University where she also serves as English Program Director. Her scholarly work has been published in Theatre/Practice, Global Performance Studies, Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, and Texas Theatre Journal. Her current research focuses robotics, AI, cyberculture, and emerging technologies in theatrical performance. She is a co-editor of Interventions at Contemporary Theatre Review, and currently serves as the Graduate Liaison for the Mid America Theatre Festival's Playwriting Symposium.
Marc Edward Shaw is Professor and Chair of Theatre Arts at Hartwick College in central New York. He is co-editor of Singing and Dancing to The Book of Mormon: Critical Essays on the Broadway Musical (Rowman & Littlefield, 2017); HBO's Girls and the Awkward Politics of Gender, Race, and Privilege (Lexington Books, 2015); and, Performing American Masculinities: The 21st-Century Man in Popular Culture (Indiana University Press, 2011). His writing also appears in Routledge,, Theatre Journal, Shakespeare Bulletin, Rodopi Press, McFarland Press, Wiley & Sons, Modern Drama, and Theatre Topics.
Jessica Winston is Professor of English at Idaho State University. She is the author of...
- 贡献者
伊戈尔·乔杰维奇 (Igor Djordjevic)是约克大学早期现代英国文学副教授,也是格伦登学院英语系主任。他是霍林斯德的民族:编年史中的理想、记忆和实践政策(阿什盖特,2010 年)和约翰国王(错误)记忆:邓莫编年史、海军上将的部下和文化记忆的形成(阿什盖特,2015 年)的作者),他还发表了以文艺复兴戏剧和十八世纪文学为重点的章节和文章,如The Oxford Handbook of Holinshed's Chronicles (2013) 和期刊,包括Renaissance and Reformation, 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the近代早期、The Shandean和斯威夫特研究。
丹尼尔·古斯塔夫森 (Daniel Gustafson)是纽约城市学院的英语副教授。他是《Lothario's Corpse: Libertine Drama and the Long-Running Restoration, 1700-1832》(巴克内尔大学出版社,2020 年)的作者。
克里斯·海利 (Chris Highley)是俄亥俄州立大学的英语教授,也是中世纪和文艺复兴研究中心的主任。他最近的一本书是早期现代伦敦的黑衣修士:剧院、教堂和邻里(牛津大学出版社,2022 年)。作为早期现代伦敦在线地图的项目助理,他负责协调伦敦教区项目。
南希·琼斯是肯塔基大学的戏剧教授。莫里哀的《女人》(她自编自导的戏剧)于 2007 年在法国巴黎首演。她翻译的作品包括《女仆》、《教训》、《秃头女高音》和在爱丁堡边缘艺术节上演的马里沃的《争端》。她的研究中心是法国戏剧、喜剧和女权主义理论,她作为戏剧导演的工作曾在林肯中心导演实验室、纽约边缘艺术节和新剧作家中展出。Nancy 是全国戏剧学校协会的前董事会成员,并担任英国戏剧系主席长达 12 年。
帕梅拉·金 (Pamela King)是格拉斯哥大学中世纪研究荣誉退休教授。她是一位跨学科的中世纪学者,出版有关中世纪晚期英国文学、戏剧、墓葬雕塑和手稿以及过去和现在的公民节日的文章。她的著作包括约克神秘周期和城市崇拜(2006 年)、中世纪文学 1300-1500(2013 年)、(编辑)早期戏剧和表演的劳特利奇研究伴侣(2017 年)以及为表演和表演阅读文本作为文本(Alexandra F. Johnston 编辑的论文选集,2021 年)。
Sophie Nield在英国伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院表演与数字艺术学院戏剧、戏剧与舞蹈系任教。她的写作涉及政治生活和法律中的空间、戏剧性和代表性问题,以及各种“边界”的表现。最近的工作重点关注作为戏剧空间的纠察线,以及芝加哥 8 人审判中的法律、暴力和戏剧性。1889 年伦敦码头罢工;以及戏剧技术对现代主义视觉想象力的影响。
贝拉·波因顿 (Bella Poynton)是梅代尔大学 (Medaille University) 的英语和戏剧助理教授,她还担任英语课程主任。她的学术著作发表在Theatre/Practice、Global Performance Studies、Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism和Texas Theatre Journal上。她目前的研究重点是机器人技术、人工智能、网络文化和戏剧表演中的新兴技术。她是Contemporary Theatre Review的 Interventions 的联合编辑,目前担任中美洲戏剧节剧本研讨会的研究生联络员。
马克·爱德华·肖 (Marc Edward Shaw)是位于纽约中部的哈特威克学院 (Hartwick College) 的教授兼戏剧艺术系主任。他是《摩门教之书歌舞:百老汇音乐剧评论文章》(Rowman & Littlefield,2017 年)的联合编辑;HBO 的《女孩与性别、种族和特权的尴尬政治》(Lexington Books,2015 年);以及,表演美国男子气概:流行文化中的 21 世纪男子(印第安纳大学出版社,2011 年)。他的作品还出现在 Routledge、、Theatre Journal、Shakespeare Bulletin、Rodopi Press、McFarland Press、Wiley & Sons、Modern Drama 和 Theatre Topics上。
杰西卡·温斯顿 (Jessica Winston)是爱达荷州立大学的英语教授。她是...的作者