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Ticket pricing for entertainment events under a dual-channel environment: a game-theoretical approach using uncertainty theory
Annals of Operations Research ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s10479-023-05192-x
Reza Maihami , Devika Kannan , Mohammad Fattahi , Chunguang Bai , Iman Ghalehkhondabi

The pricing of tickets is a crucial decision when managing entertainment events like concerts, operas, ballets, and theater performances. In this study, we examine the pricing decisions made by two major decision-makers before an entertainment event: the venue and the online retailer. In a game-theoretic approach with uncertain information, the interactions between decision-makers are studied in a single and dual-channel structure. A confidence-level-based uncertainty theory is utilized in order to formulate the amount of uncertainty, and the optimal solutions are analytically computed to maximize the total profit for both players. There are three distinct cases studied, including two single-channel market cases (one in which only the venue sells the tickets, and another in which only the online platform sells the tickets) as well as a dual-channel market case (in which both players sell tickets). Stackelberg and Nash games are used to illustrate the interactions between players in each game. The results indicate the optimal pricing, service level improvement, and total profit for both the venue and the online retailer. Additionally, it is shown that the amount of risk (confidence level) the decision-makers are willing to accept strongly affects the optimal solution. In some cases, the roles of the market participants do not have a significant impact on the optimal solution. The findings of this paper can help practitioners in the entertainment industry make better ticket pricing decisions in an uncertain and competitive environment.



在管理音乐会、歌剧、芭蕾舞和戏剧表演等娱乐活动时,门票定价是一个至关重要的决定。在这项研究中,我们研究了两个主要决策者在娱乐活动之前做出的定价决策:场地和在线零售商。在具有不确定信息的博弈论方法中,决策者之间的相互作用在单通道和双通道结构中进行研究。利用基于置信水平的不确定性理论来制定不确定性量,并通过分析计算最优解以最大化双方的总利润。研究了三个不同的案例,包括两个单一渠道市场案例(一个只有场地出售门票,和另一个只有在线平台售票的案例)以及双渠道市场案例(两个玩家都售票)。Stackelberg 和 Nash 游戏用于说明每个游戏中玩家之间的交互。结果显示了场地和在线零售商的最优定价、服务水平改进和总利润。此外,还表明决策者愿意接受的风险量(置信水平)对最优解有很大影响。在某些情况下,市场参与者的角色对最优解没有显着影响。本文的研究结果可以帮助娱乐行业的从业者在不确定和竞争激烈的环境中做出更好的门票定价决策。Stackelberg 和 Nash 游戏用于说明每个游戏中玩家之间的交互。结果显示了场地和在线零售商的最优定价、服务水平改进和总利润。此外,还表明决策者愿意接受的风险量(置信水平)对最优解有很大影响。在某些情况下,市场参与者的角色对最优解没有显着影响。本文的研究结果可以帮助娱乐行业的从业者在不确定和竞争激烈的环境中做出更好的门票定价决策。Stackelberg 和 Nash 游戏用于说明每个游戏中玩家之间的交互。结果显示了场地和在线零售商的最优定价、服务水平改进和总利润。此外,还表明决策者愿意接受的风险量(置信水平)对最优解有很大影响。在某些情况下,市场参与者的角色对最优解没有显着影响。本文的研究结果可以帮助娱乐行业的从业者在不确定和竞争激烈的环境中做出更好的门票定价决策。此外,还表明决策者愿意接受的风险量(置信水平)对最优解有很大影响。在某些情况下,市场参与者的角色对最优解没有显着影响。本文的研究结果可以帮助娱乐行业的从业者在不确定和竞争激烈的环境中做出更好的门票定价决策。此外,还表明决策者愿意接受的风险量(置信水平)对最优解有很大影响。在某些情况下,市场参与者的角色对最优解没有显着影响。本文的研究结果可以帮助娱乐行业的从业者在不确定和竞争激烈的环境中做出更好的门票定价决策。
