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Simulating Assembly Landscapes for Comprehensive Understanding of Supramolecular Polymer–Solvent Systems
Journal of the American Chemical Society ( IF 14.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-09 , DOI: 10.1021/jacs.2c12941
Stef A H Jansen 1, 2 , Elisabeth Weyandt 1, 2 , Tsubasa Aoki 3 , Takayoshi Akiyama 3 , Yoshimitsu Itoh 3 , Ghislaine Vantomme 1, 2 , Takuzo Aida 3, 4 , E W Meijer 1, 2, 5

Complexity in supramolecular polymer systems arises from interactions between different components, including solvent molecules. By varying their concentration or temperature in such multicomponent systems, complex phenomena can occur such as thermally bisignate and dilution-induced assembly of supramolecular polymers. Herein, we demonstrate that both these phenomena emerge from the same underlying interaction mechanism between the components. As a model system, amide-decorated supramolecular polymers of porphyrins were investigated in combination with aliphatic alcohols as hydrogen-bond scavengers, and thermodynamic mass-balance models were applied to map the three-dimensional assembly landscapes. These studies unveiled that the interaction between hydrogen-bond scavengers and monomers is temperature-dependent and becomes dominant at high monomer concentrations. With these insights, we could exploit competitive monomer–alcohol interactions to prompt the dilution-induced assembly of various common monomers as well as bisignate assembly events. Moreover, kinetic insights were obtained by navigating through the assembly landscape. Similar to phase diagrams of covalent polymers, these assembly landscapes provide a comprehensive picture of supramolecular polymerizations, which helps to precisely regulate the system properties. The generality of this approach using assembly landscapes makes it relevant for any supramolecular system, and this enhanced control will open the door to build complex and functional supramolecular polymer systems.


