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Terminal Pleistocene emergence of maritime interaction networks across Wallacea
World Archaeology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-09 , DOI: 10.1080/00438243.2023.2172072
Sue O’Connor 1, 2 , Shimona Kealy 1, 2, 3 , Christian Reepmeyer 4 , Sofia C. Samper Carro 1, 2 , Ceri Shipton 2, 5


The crossing of the Wallacean islands and settlement of Sahul by modern humans over 50,000 years ago, represents the earliest successful seafaring of our species anywhere in the world. Archaeological research throughout this vast island archipelago has recovered evidence for varied patterns in island occupation, with accumulating evidence suggesting a significant change in cultural activities and interaction amongst island communities following the LGM. New forms of technology such as shell fish hooks and adzes appear alongside standardised forms of shell beads, indicating that these technological innovations were accompanied by shared styles of personal ornamentation. Simultaniously, obsidian from a single, off-island source is found in the archaeological assemblages on at least four islands. We explore these implied spheres of interaction across Wallacea, with a focus on the terminal-Pleistocene/early-Holocene cultural materials and customs linking the southeastern Wallacean islands of Alor, Timor, and Kisar, and other parts of greater Wallacea and Near Oceania.


更新世末期出现横跨 Wallacea 的海上互动网络


50,000 多年前,现代人类穿越华莱士群岛并在萨胡尔定居,代表了我们这个物种在世界任何地方最早成功的航海。对这个广阔的岛屿群岛进行的考古研究已经找到了岛屿占领的不同模式的证据,越来越多的证据表明,在 LGM 之后,文化活动和岛屿社区之间的互动发生了重大变化。贝壳鱼钩和锛等新技术形式与标准化形式的贝珠一起出现,表明这些技术创新伴随着共同的个人装饰风格。同时,在至少四个岛屿的考古组合中发现了来自单一岛外来源的黑曜石。
