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Working with Youth During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Adaptations and Insights from Youth Workers
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s10560-023-00917-0
Emmanuelle Khoury 1 , Jérémy Boisvert-Viens 2 , Martin Goyette 2

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic thrust the world’s population into a crisis. Social workers and other professionals working with youth have been front-line witnesses to the accentuated negative impact of this public health emergency on youth and their families as well as to the creative adaptive strategies of youth and their families. Purpose: Because youth workers are often the first to identify and respond to the needs and desires of children and youth, it is critical to better understand the ways in which youth workers adapted, coped, and intervened within the context of this global health, social, and economic crisis. Youth workers play a central role in the lives of children and youth. Their perspective is key to recognizing both practice innovation and organizational impediments. Method: 31 youth workers in mental health, housing, primary care, and child protection participated in focus groups discussing the impact of the pandemic during waves 1 and 2 on the youth and families they work with and, consequently, on their own practice. Results: include two central domains that organize findings around adapting professional practice to crisis situations: (1) the first-person experience of working with youth during the pandemic; (2) the changing needs and risks faced by youth and their families. Discussion: These domains include discussions around participant emotions and feelings of isolation, helplessness, and fear as well as adaptability. The article concludes with recommendations to support youth workers and adapt organizational structures to help protect youth from increased risk and vulnerability during a pandemic or other crises.


COVID-19 大流行期间与青年一起工作:青年工作者的适应和见解

2020 年,新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 大流行将世界人口推入危机。社会工作者和其他与青年一起工作的专业人员是这一公共卫生紧急事件对青年及其家庭造成的严重负面影响的第一线见证人,也是青年及其家庭创造性的适应策略的见证人。目的:由于青年工作者往往是最先识别和回应儿童和青少年的需求和愿望的人,因此更好地了解青年工作者在全球卫生、社会和环境背景下适应、应对和干预的方式至关重要。和经济危机。青年工作者在儿童和青少年的生活中发挥着核心作用。他们的观点是认识实践创新和组织障碍的关键。方法: 31 名心理健康、住房、初级保健和儿童保护领域的青年工作者参加了焦点小组,讨论第一波和第二波疫情对与他们一起工作的青年和家庭以及他们自己的实践的影响。结果:包括两个中心领域,围绕使专业实践适应危机情况组织调查结果:(1)在大流行期间与年轻人一起工作的第一人称经验; (2) 青少年及其家庭不断变化的需求和面临的风险。讨论:这些领域包括围绕参与者的情绪和孤立感、无助感、恐惧感以及适应性的讨论。文章最后提出了支持青年工作者和调整组织结构的建议,以帮助保护青年在大流行或其他危机期间免受更大的风险和脆弱性的影响。
