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What Four Decades of Meta-Analysis Have Taught Us About Youth Psychotherapy and the Science of Research Synthesis
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology ( IF 17.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-08 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-080921-082920
John R Weisz 1 , Katherine E Venturo-Conerly 1 , Olivia M Fitzpatrick 1 , Jennifer A Frederick 2 , Mei Yi Ng 2

Intervention scientists have published more than 600 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of youth psychotherapies. Four decades of meta-analyses have been used to synthesize the RCT findings and identify scientifically and clinically significant patterns. These meta-analyses have limitations, noted herein, but they have advanced our understanding of youth psychotherapy, revealing ( a) mental health problems for which our interventions are more and less successful (e.g., anxiety and depression, respectively); ( b) the beneficial effects of single-session interventions, interventions delivered remotely, and interventions tested in low- and middle-income countries; ( c) the association of societal sexism and racism with reduced treatment benefit in majority-girl and majority-Black groups; and, importantly, ( d) the finding that average youth treatment benefit has not increased across five decades of research, suggesting that new strategies may be needed. Opportunities for the future include boosting relevance to policy and practice and using meta-analysis to identify mechanisms of change and guide personalizing of treatment.



干预科学家已发表了 600 多项青少年心理治疗的随机对照试验 (RCT)。四十年的荟萃分析已被用来综合随机对照试验的研究结果并确定具有科学和临床意义的模式。这些荟萃分析有其局限性,如本文所述,但它们增进了我们对青少年心理治疗的理解,揭示了(a)我们的干预措施或多或少成功的心理健康问题(例如,分别是焦虑和抑郁); (b) 单次会议干预措施、远程干预措施以及在低收入和中等收入国家测试的干预措施的有益效果; (c) 社会性别歧视和种族主义与女孩占多数和黑人占多数的群体的治疗福利减少有关;重要的是,(d) 五年来的研究发现,青少年的平均治疗效益并未增加,这表明可能需要新的策略。未来的机会包括提高政策和实践的相关性,以及使用荟萃分析来确定变革机制并指导个性化治疗。