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Optimizing the Ferroelectric Properties of Hf1–xZrxO2 Films via Crystal Orientation
ACS Applied Electronic Materials ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-07 , DOI: 10.1021/acsaelm.2c01582
Chih-Yu Teng, Chia-Chieh Cheng, Kai-Shin Li, Chenming Hu, Jhih-Min Lin, Bi-Hsuan Lin, Mau-Tsu Tang, Yuan-Chieh Tseng

This study exploits the coupling of crystallographic and ferroelectric (FE) properties in an effort to enhance the FE performance of Hf1–xZrxO2 (HZO). The proposed scheme involved optimizing the orientation of orthorhombic (O)-phase crystals along the preferred polarization axis by applying an electric pulse during annealing. The proposed electric pulse annealing (EPA) process reduced the need for wake-up treatment; however, it imposed limited changes on the amount of the O-phase and leakage performance, compared with rapid thermal annealing (RTA). Excessively high EPA doses induced an O → M (monoclinic) phase transformation, which sacrificed FE polarization but preserved the wake-up-free-like properties. Our results demonstrate that optimizing the orientation of polycrystalline O-phase may be as important as maximizing the quantity of O-phase for HZO applications.


通过晶体取向优化 Hf1–xZrxO2 薄膜的铁电性能

本研究利用晶体学和铁电 (FE) 特性的耦合来提高 Hf 1– x Zr x O 2的 FE 性能(HZO)。所提出的方案涉及通过在退火过程中施加电脉冲来优化正交 (O) 相晶体沿首选偏振轴的取向。拟议的电脉冲退火 (EPA) 工艺减少了唤醒处理的需要;然而,与快速热退火 (RTA) 相比,它对 O 相量和泄漏性能的改变有限。过高的 EPA 剂量会引起 O → M(单斜)相变,这会牺牲 FE 极化但保留了类似唤醒的特性。我们的结果表明,优化多晶 O 相的取向可能与最大化 HZO 应用的 O 相数量一样重要。