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The Feasibility of Using Virtual Professional Development to Support Teachers in Making Data-Based Decisions to Improve Students’ Writing
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-29 , DOI: 10.1111/ldrp.12301
Kelley Regan 1 , Anya S. Evmenova 1 , Reagan L. Mergen 1 , Courtney Verbiest 1 , Amy Hutchison 2 , Reagan Murnan 3 , Sara Field 1 , Boris Gafurov 1

Rubrics can be used to give students targeted feedback on their writing and, therefore, teachers should be able to use them as a type of formative assessment to guide writing instruction. This article describes an exploratory study of how three teachers provided instruction for fourth, fifth, and seventh graders with learning disabilities and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in using a technology-based graphic organizer (TBGO) to compose persuasive essays. Given professional development inclusive of online modules, long-range plans, and virtually facilitated professional learning communities, the teachers used a digital dashboard to (a) monitor students’ writing progress with a genre-specific analytic rubric, (b) target a specific instructional skill, and (c) document their instructional decision(s). The article illustrates how educators can effectively use genre-specific writing rubrics in practice to make data-driven decisions about student writing.



Rubrics 可用于为学生的写作提供有针对性的反馈,因此,教师应该能够将它们用作一种形成性评估来指导写作教学。本文描述了一项探索性研究,内容涉及三位教师如何指导有学习障碍和注意力缺陷多动障碍的四年级、五年级和七年级学生使用基于技术的图形组织器 (TBGO) 撰写有说服力的文章。考虑到包括在线模块、长期计划和几乎便利的专业学习社区在内的专业发展,教师使用数字仪表板来 (a) 通过特定类型的分析量规监控学生的写作进度,(b) 针对特定的教学技能,以及 (c) 记录他们的教学决定。