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High-Quality Formative Writing Assessment for Middle School Students in Tier 2 Literacy Interventions
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-19 , DOI: 10.1111/ldrp.12300
Deborah K Reed 1 , Kelly Binning 2 , Emily A. Jemison 3 , Nicole DeSalle 4

Increased expectations for writing performance have created a need for formative writing assessments that will help middle school teachers better understand adolescents’ grade-appropriate writing skills and monitor the progress of students with or at risk for writing disabilities. In this practice piece, we first explain research-based recommendations for high-quality writing prompts that are interesting to students, provide clear directions, and ensure accessibility and fairness. Then, we use lessons learned from working with adolescents in Tier 2 literacy intervention classes to demonstrate how teachers can apply the recommendations to identify or develop prompts that will encourage students to write responses. In addition, we explain how analytic rubrics may be used to evaluate responses as a means of informing instruction and further refining the prompts.



对写作表现的更高期望导致了对形成性写作评估的需求,这将帮助中学教师更好地了解青少年适合年级的写作技巧,并监测有写作障碍或有写作障碍风险的学生的进步。在这个练习篇中,我们首先解释基于研究的建议,以提供学生感兴趣的高质量写作提示,提供明确的方向,并确保可访问性和公平性。然后,我们使用在第 2 层扫盲干预课程中与青少年合作的经验教训来展示教师如何应用这些建议来识别或开发鼓励学生写出答案的提示。此外,