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Measuring Fertility Intentions During Times of Crisis: An Example Using Survey Data Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic
Studies in Family Planning ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-02-04 , DOI: 10.1111/sifp.12219
Letícia J Marteleto 1, 2 , Molly Dondero 3 , Sneha Kumar 2 , David C Mallinson 4

Fertility intentions—intentions regarding whether and when to have children—predict reproductive health outcomes. Measuring fertility intentions is difficult, particularly during macrostructural shocks, for at least two reasons: (1) fertility intentions may be especially volatile during periods of uncertainty and (2) macrostructural shocks may constrain data collection. We propose a set of indicators that capture how a macrostructural shock directly alters fertility intentions, with a particular focus on the Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic. We advance the conceptualization and construct of fertility intentions measures in three ways. First, we demonstrate the value of direct questions about whether women attributed changes in fertility intentions to the pandemic. Second, we highlight the importance of a typology that delineates fertility postponement, advancement, foregoing, and indecision. Third, we demonstrate the importance of incorporating a granular time window within a two-year period to capture short-term changes to fertility intentions. We exemplify the value of our proposed measures using survey data from a probabilistic sample of women aged 18–34 in Pernambuco, Brazil. We discuss the self-reported change in intentions due to Covid in wave 1 as well as panel change across waves. We further ground our contributions by uncovering important variations by social origin and parity.


在危机时期衡量生育意愿:在 Covid-19 大流行期间使用调查数据的示例

生育意愿——是否以及何时生育的意愿——预测生殖健康结果。衡量生育意愿很困难,尤其是在宏观结构冲击期间,至少有两个原因:(1) 生育意愿在不确定时期可能特别不稳定,(2) 宏观结构冲击可能会限制数据收集。我们提出了一组指标来捕捉宏观结构冲击如何直接改变生育意愿,特别关注 2019 年冠状病毒病 (Covid-19) 大流行。我们通过三种方式推进生育意愿措施的概念化和构建。首先,我们证明了直接提问女性是否将生育意愿的变化归因于大流行病的价值。第二,我们强调了一种类型学的重要性,这种类型学描述了生育推迟、进步、放弃和优柔寡断。第三,我们证明了在两年期间内纳入细化时间窗口以捕捉生育意图的短期变化的重要性。我们使用来自巴西伯南布哥州 18-34 岁女性概率样本的调查数据来举例说明我们提出的措施的价值。我们讨论了第 1 波中由于 Covid 而导致的自我报告的意图变化以及跨波的面板变化。我们通过揭示社会出身和平等的重要差异来进一步奠定我们的贡献。我们使用来自巴西伯南布哥州 18-34 岁女性概率样本的调查数据来举例说明我们提出的措施的价值。我们讨论了第 1 波中由于 Covid 而导致的自我报告的意图变化以及跨波的面板变化。我们通过揭示社会出身和平等的重要差异来进一步奠定我们的贡献。我们使用来自巴西伯南布哥州 18-34 岁女性概率样本的调查数据来举例说明我们提出的措施的价值。我们讨论了第 1 波中由于 Covid 而导致的自我报告的意图变化以及跨波的面板变化。我们通过揭示社会出身和平等的重要差异来进一步奠定我们的贡献。